The Monsanto Corporation, which has long been targeted for it’s role in creating GMO crops as well as deadly herbicides like Agent Orange, used in the Vietnam War, and the weedkiller Round-up, has been sold.
Who would buy a company with such a bad reputation? The answer: The German chemical conglomerate Bayer. Most of us have a relationship with them through their ‘Bayer Children’s Aspirin’. They seem so harmless. But make no mistake, only evil buys evil for $63 billion, the largest all cash deal in history.
Yet, ditching the Monsanto name will not alter the company’s legacy of forcing it’s genetically modified seeds and toxic cancer causing pesticides into our food system.
What you may not know about the Bayer company is that it has a very long history. During World War II, Bayer used Jewish slave labor in it’s factories. It performed experiments on human beings and produced the lethal gas Zyklon B, used in the camps during the Holocaust. Just because Bayer apologized for it’s dark role in Nazi Germany to Elie Wiesel in 1995, it has no business manufacturing our food. The company lacks the moral compass to be involved with our food supply.
With the buyout, the German chemical conglomerate is hoping that, by changing the name that identifies Monsanto’s with GMO’s, it will improve it’s image. That, and changing the logo to a cute little smiley sun with the capital letters ‘BE’ (short for ‘bioengineered’) in the center.
What are GMO’s? Simply put….GMO’s, also called genetically engineered foods, are the result of a laboratory process where genes from one species are extracted and artificially forced into the DNA of an unrelated plant or animal. Artificially manipulated foreign genes come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. Research has shown a dramatically higher risk of health problems, including organ damage, gastrointestinal and autoimmune disorders, accelerated aging and infertility.
Bayer, after being slapped with 1300 lawsuits related to Round-up exposure, has promised it’s stockholders that it can “Regain The Public’s Trust”. They’re betting on the long game. Their hope is that you and I, and generations to come, will stop associating their dangerous chemicals in our food supply with a danger to our health.
Scientists that choose to work for the Agrichemical Industry must keep churning out food modification discoveries to keep their jobs. Many scientists want to do good science…but the Agrichemical Industry has repeatedly attacked those who have produced findings contrary to their pursuits. The Agrichemical Companies do not support research that will undermine their financial interests. The money involved is huge, science is for sale. And make no mistake, Bayer is in the money business, not the health business.
I feel it is the job of Holistic Health Coaches to keep our memory long. As always, I beg you to purchase only organic foods, which are not allowed to contain any GMO’s, be tampered by bio-engineering, or be exposed to chemical herbicides. The Earth provides us with a food supply that is abundant, diverse, healthy and beautiful, just the way it is.
The best way to fight back is to vote with our hard earned dollars. Refuse to buy foods filled with chemicals for you and your family. Let stores know these Frankenstein foods are…
…Not Natural
…Not Normal
…Not Safe
…Not Wanted
This commitment supports organic farmers. They need us and we need them. Future generations are depending on our choices.
Please share with anyone who will benefit from this information.
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