Courage is the first step required for any action or idea to take place. Because without it nothing else can happen. It takes courage to claim your voice, own your power, to sing the music inside you. It takes courage to realize we need to claim our lives….live our calling….listen to our talents and gifts….change our lifestyle….unleash the true creativity that sits inside our soul.
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin
When my younger daughter was around eight, I caught her lying to me. It was all fairly harmless, a little white lie. She didn’t intend to hurt me. We first talked about the importance of telling the truth. But what concerned me most was that she was afraid to tell the truth….. and what I wanted most for her in this life was to grow up brave and courageous, claiming her truth. So for her ‘punishment’ I had her write, one hundred times, ‘I will not be afraid, I will not be afraid’…..until all one hundred sentences were completed. Of course we all love our children and know they are amazing, but I believe that that exercise was an intersection that set her compass for True North. Because today she owns her own courage and creativity. A ‘knowing’ that nothing can touch. It’s beautiful to witness. Hallelujah!
When coaching our clients we give them ‘Action Steps’ to help build their courage and confidence. Courage takes place outside the comfort zone, so it’s always best to work in steps. Because we want to always practice what we preach, you too may want to give this a try. That way we all grow together.
Courage Action Steps for the Week:
One: Give up one harmful thing you do to yourself daily.
Two: Forgive one person you have felt anger toward and free yourself.
Three: Choose one positive habit you have been avoiding and begin doing it.
Four: Keep a reflection journal.
Five: Give thanks daily for the courage to make change.
Registration for our September 4, 2019 “Certified Holistic Health Coach Program” begins next Tuesday. We feel humbled and blessed to share our gifts with students looking to create careers with greater purpose and deeper meaning while enriching the lives of others. Each student has a somewhat different plan for what they want to do with their training after graduation. But they all arrive with the same truth: to make their journey meaningful on this precious Earth they need to help others. Anything less is living their lives too small.
This quest is a move-ment to make a difference… a brave courage, a determination, a fire to learn a new way to be in the world and then carry that knowledge forward.
How do I know all this about our students? Because they tell me. They all talk of a yearning to take their part in getting the world back on track with education and diet change. It’s the same yearning I have. It’s a common bond.
For many of our students this ‘Going Forward’ does not mean leaving your present situation to grab a new future. Making change often involves being strategic and thinking a few steps ahead, learning as much as you can while you’re in transition and give yourself the time and space to grow. Our Program offers three full months to focus your attention on a new passion and career in a community with others that think the same as you. Student testimonials say it best:
As Karen Lefgren, Logan, Utah, mother of five, says: (that’s her in our pic) “Everything you offered was in perfect alignment with what I was looking for. Gathering with like-minded people is always so empowering and supportive. I now have the confidence and courage to start my own business in the integrative health field I have so longed for. The education was the perfect jump start I needed to get going coaching and assisting others in a more professional manner. I now know it’s going to be easier then I thought. I’m grateful for this opportunity….my life is forever changed.”
(Find Out More Here)
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Diet For Living School
Education That Changes Lives