Long before the advent of Christianity, plants and trees that remain green all year round had special meaning for people in the winter. Considered a triumph of life over death. During the 1880 Christmas season, Thomas Edison introduced the first outdoor Christmas lights to the world….and bingo…we have today’s Holiday Tree….a symbol of everlasting life decked with lights to show us our way out of darkness.
This Christmas season I am meditating a lot on the idea of light: the light of learning, the light of knowledge, the light of truth, the light that guides…..the many times in life I felt lost, but the light of a greater wisdom than my own saved me.
Research has shown that the human body literally emits a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, with the face glowing more than the rest of the body. The body is a living miracle of vibrating light cells, at seven billion times per second. Wow, I am humbled…
“I feel
An Infinite Connection
Lives and Breathes
Filling the Forests with Wind
And my Heart with Joy.
In this timeless Moment
Beyond the Mystery
All the Power of the Universe
Is Together with me.
The Spark of Truth burns bright
That will never Die.
For I am Light that sees
A Vision of Love
Glowing for Eternity…”
To our Students, Friends and Supporters, from Diet For Living School: Our holiday hope for all of you is that the illuminating light that always burns brightest when we seek truth lights your way through the Holiday Season. Be well, be brilliant. Light attracts light. The sky’s the limit!!!
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