True Detox cleansing to address chronic disease is not a short term crash diet. Nor is it a quick week-end “cleanse in a box.” It is a powerful healing support system that has a modern history starting in Switzerland. The famous Swiss physician and pioneering nutritionist, Max Bircher-Benner, M.D., is founder of the oldest live plant based food clinic in Europe, beginning in 1903. Although Bircher-Benner’s ideas for healing with juices and live foods were in opposition to the existing ideas of the time, his sanatorium in the Alps became famous throughout the world during Switzerland’s golden age as a health paradise. I am sorry I missed it’s hey-day. Some of the famous personalities that came to improve their health were author Herman Hesse, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and education pioneer Maria Montessori, a special hero of mine.
When the scientific discovery of vitamins in fruits and vegetables came about in the 1930’s other health professionals began to create their own work from Bircher-Benner’s findings. One of those famous pioneers is Dr. Max Gerson. He developed the Gerson Therapy: using copious amounts of fresh juices daily with simple foods to address cancer and other chronic diseases. He was the first to teach his patients how to set up a healing environment in their home. His clinic still operates today in Mexico, saving many lives.
Dr. Ann Wigmore, also known as the ‘Wheatgrass Lady’, created a living-foods healing center in down-town Boston in the 1960’s. People came from all over the world to study and heal with her discoveries. She, too, kept the component of teaching people to set up their homes as day to day cleansing centers, so they could cut costs and continue to heal at home. Her work is still practiced today at Hippocrates Health Institute in Palm Beach, Florida, and Optimum Health Institute in San Diego, California. At least five detoxification healing centers in the US still teach the important work of Dr. Ann, with others centers scattered throughout the world.
The reason this healing system has stood the test of time is because it has been successful in healing so many people that Western medicine found either baffling or were completely unsuccessful at.
When I was diagnosed with cancer I joined the multitudes of people who committed to forgo surgery, chemo and radiation. I chose, instead, to use the discoveries of Dr Ann to fight this disease. Many of you who know my story know that for one year, day in and day out, I ate a 100% organic raw and living-food plant based diet. I drank copious amounts of fresh pressed juice and cleaned out my elimination system with water enemas, wheatgrass enemas and weekly colon hydrotherapy. It was an intense, dedicated year, but in that time my melon sized uterine tumor shrank, then disappeared, and I was cancer free….as well as arthritis free.
It was so successful that it changed my life in every way. I went on to open Diet For Living School to teach willing students to be Holistic Health Coaches and Holistic Cancer Coaches, using the basics of Dr Ann Wigmore’s findings. My vision has been to create a ripple effect. As we send more trained coaches and educators out into the world, they change their own lives, their family’s lives, and their communities.
Detoxing The Body With Fresh Pressed Juices And Raw/Living Foods:
> helps neutralize the acid conditions from which so many people suffer
> re-establishes alkaline conditions, reversing inflammation
> allows cells to excrete built up toxins
> allows the body to cleanse of heavy metals
> aides the liver and kidneys to flush toxins from the system
> helps flush debris from the inner part of the colon and cleanse the walls so that nutrients can once again pass into the body to rebuild and restore.
Cooking, Processing And Pasteurizing Foods Kills:
> 50% of the protein
> 80% of the vitamins and minerals
> 85% of the antioxidants
> 95% of the phytonutrients
> 100% of the enzymes
Cleansing on a diet of 100% living organic whole plant-based foods provides a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids that are easily assimilated by the body. Fresh juicing allows us to capture the micronutrients of several pounds of vegetables in a single glass.
No matter how powerful and pure the food is, for true healing to take place, the colon must be addressed from years of neglect. Dr. Ann developed a healing system that cleans the colon of built up debris and parasites and allows beneficial bacteria to crowd out bad bacteria with the use of probiotic rich plant-based foods. That’s the ongoing genius of this way of healing. It addresses healing the body as a wholism.
ONE: Under no circumstances are non-organic ingredients to be substituted for organic. Drinking a concentrated glass of chemicals will be detrimental to your health. Root vegetables, especially, concentrate whatever is in the soil they grow in. For example: the herbicide RoundUp, used as weed control in inorganic farming, is one of the most dangerous toxic substances that you can put in your body. Concentrating RoundUp into juice, and drinking it, is extremely harmful, as you can imagine.
TWO: Although juicing is the foundation of any cleansing program we always advise eating simple raw foods made in nutrient dense combinations to add necessary bulk to the colon and for keeping the body from cleansing too quickly. Cleansing too quickly can flood the blood, liver and kidneys with buried toxins. Cleansing is not just about getting clean. It’s also about rebuilding your body, a high energy job. This takes a full range of vitamins and nutrients to keep the body in balance while aiding the process of healing.
THREE: Healing the body after years of neglect takes TIME. Everyone wants an immediate quick fix. Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner opened his clinic to help patients “rethink their diets and lifestyles and to bring them in harmony with the force of Nature”. That is the ultimate intention of detox cleansing. A TIME-out period. A TIME to learn and reconnect with your body. A TIME to give your higher power space to work. A TIME to learn to live in a new way. To love eating for constant improvement while reaching higher and higher levels of health and healing. It’s an appointment with yourself that takes TIME and patience. Every effort taps you deeper into self love and self growth…… This is why this healing system has stood the test of TIME.
This gift to yourself raises your vibrational frequency
and hooks you up to unexplored frontiers.
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