I became a passionate advocate for speaking the truth concerning our food system after surviving cancer using Natural Nutrition and Detoxification Therapies created by the late Dr Ann Wigmore. I am now an advocate and educator for a new form of medicine, which addresses the root cause of the disease and uses food as medicine for cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship.
These are exciting times!
Nutritional Scientists have uncovered radical ways
of looking at foods as healing tools.
Specific foods for healing the body are now understood as information systems, sending instructions throughout the body, to our genes, hormones, immune system, gut flora and brain. Our food works with what are called “organ systems” in the body, consisting of the skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, muscular, digestive, endocrine, reproductive and nervous systems. All of these systems have specific functions but they do not function independently, in that they rely on all the other systems in order to work properly. These vital systems need communication with very specific high energy fuel.
This is a pretty fascinating discovery that begins to explain why 90% of the population is struggling with sickness and/or chronic disease. We are trying to live day to day on toxin ridden, processed products that lack the life force to support the symbiotic communication system the body has with the foods we eat. Toxic ridden, processed foods contain no life, and only life can create life. Only life can create communication.
I will be honest. It takes learning a new way to live to accomplish a disease free life in these modern times. It requires a whole new way of taking care of ourselves. It demands we get savvy about what we eat. The entire food industry exists to obscure or conceal the potential effects of the chemical-laden processed foods we ingest daily. It is our job to avoid them.
You’ve heard the expression “You are what you eat”? Well, you are also “the chemicals you eat”. And chemical ridden food destroys the information highway in the body. These are substances which were never meant to be consumed.
To deeply appreciate how the body works, we need to get intimate with how it really operates, so that we know what it truly needs. “When you know better, you do better”. We are going to have to read labels, eat all organic, detox the toxins out of your body ASAP…. and learn to say “No Thank-You” to well meaning folks who beg you to “just loosen-up” and indulge with them in foods you know darn well are doing you and them harm. We will have to speak up for ourselves and say “ Thank-you, I know you mean well, but cup cakes and pizza get in the way of my precious inner communication system. I can’t hear the Divine Song and I am trying to learn to listen”.
It is not just our health that I am aiming to protect. I am heaven-bent on passing a new way to live on to my children, my grandchild, your children, your grandchildren…..
When it comes to continued health, the stakes are high….I knew I couldn’t do it alone, so I founded a Board Certified School to help evolve and inspire others. There are thousands of people who feel as passionate about change as I do. Many, many of them have passed through our Diet For Living School.
Right now we are teaching a 100% OnLine class to a group of women who are as committed to making a difference as I am. These women’s willingness to learn a new way to lead others makes me proud to be an educator. In three weeks we will graduate another group of students that will take their places in the alternative wellness world, create their own businesses and shape what they learned into their own unique practices…..reach the people they are meant to reach…..
They will graduate as Certified Holistic Health Coaches. Confident leaders that will bring forward practical solutions to help others with their chronic health challenges. They will plant the seeds of change in their communities.
Margaret Mead once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”.
We agree wholeheartedly…..
Learn more about using Food As Medicine…
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