I have found one of the most common questions asked about Living Foods is “What’s the difference between juicing and blending?”
Simply put, juicing separates the liquid from the pulp. This allows you to consume the equivalent of 17 pounds of vegetables in a day, while flooding your system with necessary vitamins and minerals. This powerful way to consume your nutrients is easy for the body to assimilate quickly for cleansing, repair, rejuvenation and to fight inflammation.
Blending pulverizes ingredients into a plant-based liquid while keeping all the food fiber intact. Most people suffering from food related diseases experience absorption problems. People who eat a de-natured Standard American Diet are often stuffed, yet starving. The body may be getting plenty of calories yet can’t recognize or use the processed foods you are eating. To rebuild the body it becomes all important to address years of mal-absorption and mal-nutrition.
Cells are the building blocks of the human body, and each one must be fed. For successful healing to take place, your 37.2 trillion cells must receive daily nutrition. Blending aids the break down of Raw Living Foods so the body can more easily use foods such as nuts and seeds as well as the cellulose wall of leafy greens.
At Diet For Living School we recommend both juicing and blending for detox cleansing and to up your game on living a healthy life. There is no denying that vegetables in liquid form from both juicing and blending are good for you. Veggie’s are packed full of vital nutrients: essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants that your body craves.
The problem is these nutrients are very easily lost if not handled correctly.
The Modern Marketing Machine is well aware that, as a nation, we are trying to live a healthier life style. But many of us are still in the learning stages and it’s easy to confuse us. One of the tricky mind games they play is with labeling. A perfect example of this is the brand ‘Naked Juice’ and ‘Naked Smoothies’.
These products may have started out as wholesome fruits and vegetables, but by the time it hits the store shelves, it’s little more than sugary, empty calories with no nutritional value left. When you look closely at the label, you will see it is made out of concentrate. ‘Concentrate’ means they cook it down in to a syrup, then add back water. The high heat cooking process kills 85% of the vitamins, 85% of the antioxidants and 100% of the enzymes, creating a low quality substance.
The only genius of ‘Naked Juice’ is the marketing. The name is so clever, you forget to read the label. Nowhere on the label does it say ‘Organic’. It is always in the fridge section, so that psychologically you believe it is fresh. This pasteurized, sugar bomb (a small 10 ounce bottle contains a whopping 35 grams of sugar!) will last forever anywhere you store it. As we educate ourselves, and build awareness as to what is the perfect food for our bodies, we fight back against a system that tries to deceive at every turn. But remember: the system will collapse if we refuse to buy what they’re selling. We are many, and they are few.
How can you be certain you are getting the best nutrients your hard earned money can buy? One way, is to get comfortable making healthy food yourself.
Here’s one of our favorite, super easy blender drink recipes.
Start With Plant-Based Calcium:
3 tablespoons of organic hemp heart seeds
1 cup filtered water
Blend until smooth and creamy
Toss In:
½ cup organic frozen or fresh blueberries
½ cup organic baby spinach
½ cup organic pineapple chunks
Blend again. ENJOY RIGHT AWAY!
***P.S… You can’t get high off Hemp Heart Seeds, but you can get healthy from this vitamin and mineral packed Superfood. These are food grade seeds; they contain no THC.
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