Acid indigestion can begin by creeping up on you. A bit of burping, and then that icky feeling when your meal backs up from your stomach into your esophagus, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. If the condition has been going on for years this reversal of the stomach contents can irritate the tender lining of the esophagus, creating chronic inflammation. Acid indigestion is in no way normal. If there is enough inflammation and the lining is not allowed to repair, the normal lining will be replaced with a lining of abnormal cells. This is also called cancer. Of course you want to do everything you can to avoid this stage, so today I want to talk about this all too common malady.
If you or a family member suffers from acid indigestion , also called gastroesophageal reflux (medically known as GERD) you may have begun treating it with Tic-Tacs or Tums. My father popped Tic-Tacs like candy. He had little boxes everywhere, including the car.
He finally went to his doctor. They explained it as a common problem and suggested he could graduate to an acid suppressing medication called a proton-pump inhibitor (called a PPI in the doctor biz). Proton pump inhibitors have become standard protocol for GERD and have become a billion dollar business in western medicine.
PPI’s are absorbed into the blood stream. From there, they send signals to acid-forming cells in the stomach lining to reduce the amount of acid they produce. But here’s the thing; never once did the doctor suggest that what my dad was eating was the culprit. Or that changing his diet or lifestyle habits could alleviate his problem. So he continued to eat a diet loaded with foods that contribute to acid indigestion and struggled on.
The proton-pump inhibitor did offer relief in the beginning. My father was able to continue eating his favorite foods with no limitations. But PPI’s stop working over time, because they mask the problem. Living on an addictive drug that convinces the stomach to produce less acid is not Nature’s plan for us. It is tampering with the Divine’s perfect plan.
Less stomach acid means your digestion becomes slower. Less stomach acid means the stomach cannot break down our food and turn it into absorbable vitamins and minerals, leading to malnutrition. When food is not broken down properly, harmful bacteria can colonize in the small intestine. Two of the common symptoms are increased gas and bloating, as the bad bacteria outnumber good bacteria in this area.
Research out of Stanford University has found that PPI’s, the common drugs that millions of American’s take daily, are a great danger to our health. One, it’s highly addictive. Two, this scary medication does not just turn off acid in the stomach but also blocks acid balance in every cell of the body. This affects and hampers the body’s ability to rid itself of damaged proteins. This inability to naturally cleanse the cells can raise our risk for dementia, chronic kidney disease and heart attack.
I have successfully coached many clients who suffered from acid indigestion. Healing is a process. If you stop taking PPI’s, for the first 10-14 days you may feel worse while the body re-adapts. You may experience hyperacidiy. You will want to find a doctor willing to help you taper off. The job of the coach is to help you create a ‘bridge plan’ using a highly alkaline diet while you allow your inflamed esophagus to heal.
If PPI’s are not a factor you can jump into an anti-inflammatory diet ASAP. The road to healing asks that you address the root cause of acid indigestion and make the changes needed to eliminate the condition altogether, so that your body can return to homeostasis.
> FIRST OFF: IT’S GOTTA, GOTTA, GOTTA BE ORGANIC! GMO’s and chemicals in our foods create all kinds of havoc to the natural acids in the stomach.
> TWO: BLESS YOUR BODY…With Alkaline Foods! Drink three fresh pressed veggie juices a day.
> THREE: DAIRY HAS GOT TO GO! Make Smoothies from fresh nut milks and glorious summer fruits sweetened with a small amount of raw honey.
> FOUR: EAT LOVING FOODS! Sweet Potatoes, Little Peruvian Potatoes or Brown Rice…half an avocado with a rainbow green salad. Skip the ‘Creamy Salad Dressings’ and make your own from extra virgin olive oil and lemon.
> FIVE: DO YOURSELF A BIG FAVOR! Cut Out the High Fat Inflammation Foods: french fries, onion rings, pizza, bacon, ham, processed meats, ice cream, chips, sour cream dip, carbonated drinks, oily and greasy foods……
> SIX: FOR NOW! Eliminate Coffee While the Esophagus Heals. If you choose to return to coffee, skip the ‘coffee drinks’ at Starbucks and keep it Organic. Coffee plants are one of the most chemically sprayed plants on the planet.
> SEVEN: FOR NOW! Avoid Hot Peppers, Garlic and Onions. I adore all three of these foods. But you are trying to heal a situation that is the equivalent of an open wound. You need gentle, gentle foods.
> EIGHT: BACK OFF THE SWEETS! White Sugar and Sugar Substitutes irritate everything they touch and add to inflammation. Make friends with sweeteners close to Nature: raw honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup…..
> NINE: THE BIG KEY! Overeating has got to go If you’re looking to fight and win over this condition. If you push back from the table, and say “I can’t eat another bite”, you’re in the danger zone for heartburn.
> TEN: A LITTLE PLANNING! Meals Have to Be Eaten Before 6 O’clock At Night so the body can properly digest before sleep. Night time is healing time.
Now, if you follow me, you know you will get no nambie-pambie advice. Making change is hard. It can mean stepping away from foods that have become our best friends, but are now doing us harm. It can mean having to cut loose from food obsessed relationships with our partners, family, friends and co-workers. It may ask that we bravely step-up to those who are close to us and say “I love you, but I have to get well”. And then walk your path.
It can feel lonely. I know, because when I chose to heal me from the foods that were doing me harm, it felt like I was stepping into the wilderness. But then something magical happened. My relationship with food found peace. It was the beginning of a love affair. And as I began to get well, I came to know a God that wants me to succeed. A God who is in my corner batting for me. All I had to do was cooperate with the grand plan.
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