Strawberries, a member of the rose family, are not just the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love. They were one of my mighty warrior foods when I was detoxing my body to heal from cancer. Quercetin, a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent found in abundance in strawberries, can induce apoptosis, the programmed self-destruction of cancer cells. Everyday one of my go-to smoothies was:
All Organic:
1 cup fresh strawberries
1 banana
½ bunch romaine
1 cup filtered water (add more if needed)
Blend till creamy
Yields 1 quart of smoothie. I would put it in a Ball jar at 6:00 p.m. for supper.
I invite you to check out my journey: Learn more about how I healed from uterine cancer naturally in my e-book on Amazon Diet For Living Cancer Free/What Worked For Me. You can order it HERE.
When purchasing strawberries there are a few things I encourage you to consider:
Conventional strawberries are the most chemically intensive grown fruit on the market. To begin with commercial growers use chloropicrin ( I know, I can’t pronounce it either) a soil fumigant linked to cancer before the crop is planted to kill all life in the soil. Then methyl-bromide, a broad spectrum pesticide, is used for over head spraying once the plants begin to mature. To make a long story short, in the end, 54 different harmful chemicals go into producing conventionally farmed strawberries, including injecting them with fish genes to keep them from freezing and hormones to make them redder and plumper.
Producing strawberries the organic way is pure hero’s work. Growing takes months of initial preparation. This includes testing the soil for three years to ensure that it passes certain standards, followed by several rounds of tilling, pre-irrigation, shaping and mulching to form beds, caring for the delicate plants, then harvesting. Supporting the hard work of organic strawberry farmers is good for us, the farmer and the planet. Fighting Big Food Industries takes persistence. Using sustainable agriculture takes dedication. Vote and support organic with your grocery dollars. It’s a win-win for everyone.
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