1,600 Americans die of cancer every single minute. That’s not just crazy hard to wrap your head around numbers. That’s our mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, extended family members, co-workers, best friends….all gone way before their time, from a very misunderstood disease that is now epidemic.
These astronomical numbers include my mother. She had been diagnosed with cancer when she was 53. She had felt too young. She WAS too young. She had too much unfinished business. She’d just became a grandmother again.
She did chemo, as well as radiation, and took mountains of prescribed drugs. She endured all the horrendous side effects of nausea, fatigue, depression and hair loss. After the first round her doctor said they got it all. She was so hopeful, like a child. But then it spread to her liver and then bone. Her immune system had crashed from all the chemo and appetite loss. Her body had no strength to pull through a second time.
I didn’t have any understanding of what happened until, at 53, I was diagnosed with cancer. I may have chosen the route my mother took but a blessing was waiting for me. I was introduced to the work of Dr Ann Wigmore. She had healed her own cancer with raw food nutrition, live fermented foods and daily wheatgrass juice, as well as enemas to heal and repair the colon. She also combined rebounding to cleanse the all important lymph system.
Pioneering healers that use cleansing and life style change to help the body heal from cancer know that people who contract this disease have three things in common and that reversing these symptoms can greatly change the prognosis:
ONE: They suffer from a low immune system originating from a lifetime of eating depleted foods. This disease does not sneak up on people and strike them down. It takes a long time and a great deal of neglect and abuse of the body for the disease to occur. This is one of the key reasons that, when addressing cancer with natural nutrition, we begin with rebuilding the immune system so that the body can effectively fight this disease. The cooking process depletes 50% of the protein, 80% of the vitamins, 80% of the minerals, 85% of the antioxidants and 100% of the enzymes. Cooked foods lack the life force to heal. If we are to fight cancer and win, we cannot afford to sacrifice any of the nutrients in our food. Not one single morsel. Raw-living plant based foods have all their nutrients 100% intact.
TWO: Toxemia is a great contributor to helping cancer take hold and grow in the body. This means metabolic waste as well as excess accumulations of foreign matter such as the thousands of chemicals and additives in our daily food from growing practices if we are not eating organic. It is estimated that the average citizen eats 150 pounds of chemicals a years. This is why the first step in any natural nutrition protocol is cleansing ASAP at a safe pace. This way of healing contains a lot of liquid from chlorophyll rich juices that disrupt stagnation and help to heal free-radical damage.
THREE: Most people who contract cancer have been fighting or ignoring constipation for years. A sluggish poorly operating colon makes it impossible for toxins to leave the body. If we are dehydrated and constipated, stool can sit too long in the colon, becoming dry and hard to pass. The residue of a high gluten diet, like bread, cakes, pasta, pizza, are fiber poor, making it harder for the colon to do it’s intended job. Combine this with mucus from milk products like pasteurized and processed yogurts that line the colon wall and create a sticky glue substance, preventing healthy bacteria from growing. This fosters disease in all forms, as the body becomes toxic at the cellular level….. because all the best nutrition on Earth will not allow the body to heal if the elimination system is not working properly.
Colon Cleansing benefits the whole system, as it stimulates all 5 elimination channels. One of the ways this is achieved is through consuming fiber rich plant based foods, fresh mineral rich vegetable juices and copious amounts of rainbow raw organic salads. You want to get that baby moving again……
> Build the immune system so that it can effectively fight this disease.
> Address toxic substances often buried in the cells and tissue for years.
> Repair, restore and renew the colon so that built-up toxic debris can leave the system.
Create an inner environment where cancer does not get the elements it thrives on!! I know this is not what we have been taught to believe. My mom thought only the western medical system could save her life. But they gave up on her and sent her home to wait to die. We have to think in a new way. My biggest regret is what I know now, I didn’t know then, because my mom was a fighter and she would have been open to saving her life.
Using cleansing principals for healing from this life-threatening disease is serious business with no half measures. My first year after I was diagnosed was all about fighting for my life. It demanded that I follow a strict meal plan made of nutrient dense live foods. No fooling around on the week-end with favorite foods from my old life. I was a Plant-based Ninja!!!! I believe in the power of diet and lifestyle change. I outline that in my book Diet For Living Cancer Free/what worked for me.
And in the end it worked out. 14 years later I am cancer free and a whole, whole, whole lot wiser. I am in deep gratitude to Divine Spirit for guiding me and giving me another chance to make sense of my life. With new tools and a wider understanding of what creates cancer in the body, I now imagine a world without cancer for anyone and everyone.
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