ONE: The wheat we have been eating since the dawn of civilization was genetically modified in the Laboratory in 1971. If you are ‘gluten intolerant’, what it really means is you cannot tolerate ‘modern genetically modified wheat’.
TWO: It is unlikely we will return to ‘traditional wheat’. Why? Because gluten-free products have become such big business. The American Food Industry makes billions off the ‘new modern wheat’.
THREE: Dow Chemical recently invented ‘Wellence Gluten Free 47129’, polymers derived from cellulose and carcinogenic chemicals that mimic gluten in bread. These polymers go by the names of ‘ethyl-hydroxypropyl methlycellulose’ and ‘carbon methycellulose’. In short, it is wood pulp cleaned with chemicals.
FOUR: This scary invention should give us all the heebees, and I ask us to pause for thought. What have we gotten ourselves into while we try to replicate the “gluten-y” experience?
FIVE: If you feel you just can’t stomach the new industrial loaves…. I ask you to consider a whole new way of looking at the world. In the Diet For Living School “Food As Medicine Healing System” we make gluten-free dehydrated breads, crackers, cakes and cookies from organic, chemical free, whole foods. It’s a new amazing art. It’s a slight learning curve. But one that will put wellness and magic back into your life. More power, more control.
Enough is enough! I have had cancer and I’m gluten free, but I’m also ‘Wellence Gluten Free 47129’ FREE! Join the wellness movement and learn new ways to heal yourself, your family, friends and community.
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