By now you are probably aware of the healing powers of garlic. The world’s most beloved culinary herb is naturally anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial. It ramps up the bodies ability to fight free radicals and heavy metals in the blood. It has the ability to boost the immune system by 50%. In laboratory settings, garlic appears to slow the growth of tumors in prostate, bladder, colon and stomach tissue. Pretty impressive.
One in three women are diagnosed with cancer yearly in America, with breast cancer being the most common cancer diagnosis. There is a lot of well intended advice on foods that can cure this disease that so many women suffer from. Some of the latest fave foods have been lemons, cumin and garlic. Of course we want to believe that the cure is simple.
And although these foods should be in everyones anti-cancer kitchen, the disease itself and the conditions that support it are far more complex. It is now understood that cancer is a disease rooted in toxemia and a low immune system no matter where ever it settles in the body. Addressing this condition with natural nutrition involves radical diet change. It consists of eating and drinking only organic fresh fruits and vegetables, consuming fresh made nut milks and fermented vegan nut cheeses, live probiotic foods, anti-viral vegetables like onions and garlic, sea vegetables and fresh wheatgrass juice. This is considered a Phase I Detox Cleansing.
A focused treatment of the body as a wholism, flushing out the accumulated toxins from the tissues, rebuilding and restoring the immune system. And then you have a fighting chance.
Most people begin a dish by heating garlic in oil. But to ensure that you’ll get the full health value, and all the healing properties from this herb for healing cancer, we recommend eating garlic raw. The high heat of cooking destroys the enzyme Allicin, the chemical compound in garlic that helps fight and shrink tumors. Here at Diet For Living School we mix fresh garlic into our salad dressings, crush it into vegan fermented nut cheeses, blend it into miso soups….add it to dehydrated crackers and bread. We have big, big garlic love!
Worried about garlic breath? Most of the smell comes from the bacteria on your tongue. I have found that as you detox and get cleaner, more hydrated, garlic breath disappears. I consume up to 6 fresh cloves a day and haven’t lost any friends.
Most people think their garlic is grown in California, once known as the ‘Garlic Capital of The World’. But the fact is, 80% of non-organic garlic sold worldwide comes from China. This garlic, often sold ‘peeled’, is grown in untreated sewage (sometimes human), then bleached to disinfect and then sprayed with chemicals to stop sprouting.
The U.S. imported 138 million pounds
of Chinese garlic last year.
…………………AVOID! AVOID! AVOID!…………………..
How can you avoid this potential harmful food?
Shop Organic, Organic, Organic! If you are fighting for your life, you will need to strive for zero dangerous chemicals in your foods. The body can not fight toxemia and cancer at the same time. It will be up to you to give it all the help it can get.
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