Since 1995, November 1st is officially ‘Lung Cancer Awareness Month’. The National Lung Cancer Alliance reminds everyone of the dismal numbers and statistics associated with this disease. This month thousands of walkers, joggers, runners, and supporters, most who have lost loved ones to the disease, will use their ‘living lung power’ and high hopes to cover more miles and generate more dollars for Lung Cancer Research.
Lungevity’s Social Media during Lung Cancer Awareness month encourages us to share our stories, how Lung Cancer has impacted our lives and how we can actively make a difference. I want to share my story.
My mother had smoked since she was 18 and contracted lung cancer in her early 50’s. With chemo and radiation it went into remission. But then in a short time the cancer was found to have migrated into her liver and then her spine. Her diagnosis was a shock, but not a surprise. Her best friends from the old neighborhood where she grew up, Joanie, Kay, and Putty, had already died from the disease. When her time came, she gave up smoking on the dime and began the battle to fight for her life. She was still so young. She had just welcomed a new grandchild into the family. There seemed so much to live for…….
There are about 4800 chemicals contained in a cigarette, out of which 69 have been proven to cause cancer. It is believed the main toxin is menthol, the same toxin in diet soda.
The body has a dependable detoxification system built in. A community of five elimination channels work together to make sure toxins leave the body daily. They are the:
>lymph system
Each and every day, thousands of quarts of air are purified by our lungs. The lungs contain a mucus blanket of richly supplied white blood cells, providing a long gauntlet of immune system barriers through which invading microbes must pass. The lungs act as a microbe hunter. The mucus captures the unfriendly bugs and drops them off in the stomach, where they receive an acid bath before being sent through the bowel for elimination. This is Nature’s Divine Plan to keep us healthy. When the delicate lung tissue and bronchial tubes are caked in nicotine tar….every system in the body suffers.
Nearly 70% of smokers say they want to quit completely and 40% will make the attempt each year. My son-in-law was one of those people who tried, kicked the habit and won. He came up with the idea of sipping on Raw carrot juice every time he was tempted to smoke. Every morning he would fill glass bottles with fresh carotenoid rich carrot juice before heading off for work and sip on it whenever he felt the need to light-up. It worked!!!! Six years later is is still a non-smoker.
Studies conducted by Duke University in North Carolina suggest that fresh fruits and vegetables temporarily make chemical changes to the taste buds and saliva, making cigarettes less palatable. The University of Buffalo, NY, also conducted similar research, stating that fruits and vegetables can help individuals quit smoking. Their studies revealed that people consuming fruits and vegetables were 3 times more likely to quit smoking.
This year the American Lung Association funded an army of physicians, researchers and industry leaders with $6.5 million in research dollars. Their goal: to make Lung Cancer a “Chronically Managed Disease” by 2023. To me this seems absurd. Why not use that money to fight big tobacco, and, I know it may seem crazy, but to study compounds in fruits and vegetables to fight addiction? The same compounds that are showing success in cleansing the body and healing it from disease.
I am aware that wanting big corporations like the American Lung Association to send it’s attention and dollars into alternative studies may not happen fast enough. I am not a pie in sky kinda gal. My suggestion to us as educators in the Wellness Community is to experiment on the grass roots level. I recommend suggesting drinking fresh carrot juice all day everyday until the addiction soothes. Give the neuro-transmitters that dictate addiction a chance to heal. For the gift of precious life it’s worth the try. When it works, tell everyone you know. Spread the word, make the message grow. This is how we discover new solutions, heal ourselves, our family members and our communities. Everyone has the ability to be a messenger of change.
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