My great grandfather died early from a heart attack while digging a hole to plant a rose bush in the backyard. His foot hit the head of the shovel and he just collapsed, leaving his large family in shock. My grandfather on my mother’s side died early of a heart attack before I was born. He made it home to his favorite chair and collapsed. My own father had every bad habit that could lead to heart failure and, sure enough, had a heart attack in his 50’s. A five part by-pass saved his life. It was a major wake-up call. He cleaned up his diet, lost weight, and for the first time in his life, began walking 2 miles a day….7 days a week…rain or shine. He always said, “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have treated myself better”. These dramatic life style changes allowed him to die of old age in his 80’s instead of sweeping him off the planet before his time. The Natural Order of the Universe.
Presently, as a Nation, we are living out of order with the universe in great numbers. According to a new study, heart attack rates are increasing in what may seem like an unlikely group: adults in their 20’s and 30’s. “It used to be rare to see this in anyone under the age of 40” says Dr Ron Blankstein, a preventive cardiologist at Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston. “But not now”.
What’s more, patients 40 or younger are just as likely to die after their heart attack as those age 41-50, meaning younger age isn’t necessarily protective after a heart attack. That is because certain fatty foods like: ice cream, whole milk, butter, sour cream, cream cheese, fatty meats, fried chicken, bacon, chips, cheese, etc. put fats in the blood stream, creating inflammation inside the vessel walls. Inflammation creates a narrowing in the channels that bring blood and oxygen to the heart. As channels become narrow, plaque build up can reduce blood flow to the heart muscle. This is called atherosclerosis. No blood circulation, then no available needed oxygen for the heart…..the heart will experience death….and you are now in heart attack territory, young or old.
This month marks the 56th consecutive American Heart Month. The first proclamation was issued by President Lyndon B Johnson after his own heart attack. This federally designated yearly event is meant to reinforce the importance of heart health and the need for more research. But heart attacks are still the Number 1 killer of Americans.
How can we turn this boat around? The American Heart Association, and every source you research on heart health, gives the same advice. The best way to prevent a heart attack is to overdose on plant based foods. This means staying away from the Keto Diet, with 70-85% fat, that has become the rage, with foods like cheese, cream cheese, cream and bacon. This trendy Diet wasn’t actually created to help lose weight. It was designed in the 1920’s as a last ditch attempt to help children with epilepsy. It is in no way Heart Healthy. And totally ignores the recommendations of the American Heart Association.
Everyone thinks they have forever to make change…..but if you want to make big change for 2020, I suggest you sign-up for our 100% OnLine Certified Holistic Health Coach Program, beginning April 1. In this 3 month training we go deep into the major chronic health challenges people are dealing with, and how to prevent or reverse disease symptoms with vegan plant based superfoods and lifestyle change. Included in the training are weekly videos on how to make the important nutrient dense foods that create health. Students have called this training “life changing” for themselves, their families and their communities.
Check out what we teach here.
> Eat a super charged Alkaline diet in the form of whole and unprocessed living foods. Foods that are the Fountain of Youth. Apply liquid love. I suggest getting a juicer and start cleansing your body of collected fats in the blood stream. If you have diabetes, you may do best with green blender drinks made with ‘above the ground veggies’. These very alkaline foods will begin to address inflammation. Detoxing accumulated fats and toxins from the blood stream is a great way to begin the healing journey.
> Up your hydration habits with pure filtered water. Desert conditions in the body create stagnation. You want to be thinking ‘free-flow’….’free flow’….’free flow’…..
> Put the brakes on excessive acid-forming foods. They put an enormous strain on the digestive system, liver and kidneys. Skip the fries for leafy green salads. Most veggies are 85% mineral rich water. The healthy heart has a love affair with minerals.
> Consume 100% organic foods. Modern chemicals in our foods create inflammation. Remember the Code: Chronic inflammation creates narrowing of the blood vessels. Narrowing creates stagnation. When it can’t flow it gets stuck like a beaver dam. Stuck means build-up. Build-up means trouble. The goal is to get out of the trouble zone.
The royal, loyal heart pushes blood to every part of our body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and carrying away wastes. With the heart playing such a vital role in keeping our body system functioning, it is a no-brainer that we should do everything we can to keep it healthy.
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