Alkaline water is sold everywhere from Whole Foods to Walmart. With clever names like “Eternal Water” and “Smartwater” it is tactically endorsed by football players and athletes. The Kangen Water System states that the entire U.S. Ski Team drank alkaline water and used the exorbitantly priced Kangen water ionizing machine to help with their recovery for the Winter Olympics.
Alkaline water, also called ionized water, was created by an electrolysis process in the 1950’s. This process splits apart water molecules with electricity to artificially create alkaline water.
Some people swear it is the fountain of youth while others have found that, when consumed daily, the small intestine in particular becomes overly alkaline, and side effects may begin to appear. Most common are erratic heart behavior, hypertension, nervousness/anxiety, chronic urinary tract and bladder infections.
Now, at this point in time, humans are trying hard to understand how the food we eat is harming us and making us chronically sick in great numbers. Our efforts are admirable. But we’re getting information in bits and chunks from everywhere. Then, top that off with our all too human desire to seek shortcuts and you may find yourself open to believing that Alkaline Water will solve everything. After all, advertising guarantees it will…. So here’s what I think……
At Diet For Living School we teach that the body is self regulating when given the proper tools to work with. Our inner environment is a delicate business and as with most health related barometers, balance is everything. Proper pH (acid/alkaline balance) must be slightly alkaline, at 7.0-7.5, but varies throughout the body for many reasons.
For example, your bowel, skin and vagina should be slightly acidic….this keeps unfriendly bacteria in check. Saliva is more alkaline, while your stomach is very acidic. The stomach creates acid on an as-needed basis for digestion and to kill bacteria. Once the food is ready to leave the stomach, the pancreas secretes sodium bicarbonate that is distributed into the bloodstream for the next 2 hours to create an alkaline terrain for the blood and organs. If we consume a diet high in acidic foods, it stresses the pancreas and the body becomes chronically acidic. As you can imagine, acidic blood is a corrosive soup. Acidic blood begins by first creating inflammation. Over time a highly acid condition can destroy organs and can lead to auto-immune diseases. Over time it can destroy our DNA. DNA is our memory system in the body. If DNA is disrupted the body can no longer rebuild itself. Over time an acidic inner environment can derange cells, which is called cancer. This complex science is totally dependent on the foods you eat and the foods you avoid.
What foods do we need to avoid to keep from sabotaging the workings of the bodies pH system and to keep the pancreas from wearing out…
Highly acidic foods like:
> Greasy meats
> BBQ meats
> Processed meats
> Refined white sugar
> Refined table salt
> Chemical laden vitamins and over the counter supplement powders
> Un-organic foods filled with chemicals, fillers and growth hormones
> Pasteurized dairy and all the companion foods like mac and cheese and pizza
> Hard alcohol and all the happy hour food treats….alcohol loves oily rich foods.
> Also, lifestyle habits like overeating. Most people are not overeating broccoli…
> Regular raiding of the fridge late at night. We all know that nite time raids tend to be the trouble maker foods.
So with all of the above in mind, this is my main problem with Alkaline Water. The oldest human fossils have been dated to 200,000 years ago. All that time the body has had the same requirements. A diet that consists of 80% alkaline foods, and 20% acidic foods with drinking of plenty of clean water, Mother Nature has this one covered. This is called “maintaining homeostasis”. Alkaline Water is being marketed to an uneducated public. You can not fool the body with a night out of drinking beer and eating pizza and hope to fool it with a few glasses of alkaline water. This ancient system in the body cannot be tricked into cooperating with bad habits. For 200,000 years the body has had the same simple essential needs: plenty of organic alkaline foods in the form of fruits and vegetables, fermented vegetables, sea vegetables and water. No other liquid substance is as important for hydrating the body.
What is the best water for this job? If you love alkaline water, drink alkaline water, if you love filtered water, drink filtered water. But please know that just because you bought a $4,000 Kragen water system you can skip out on all your body’s needs. You will be greatly misleading yourself.
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