One hundred and fifty million Americans take dietary supplements each year. I’m not one of them! There is an enormous marketing campaign regarding vitamins and supplements. This clever industry rakes in $35 billion annually. Walk into any pharmacy, grocery store, vitamin shop, or shop online, and you’re likely to see dozens, if not hundreds, of vitamins, herbal remedies, and other so-called dietary supplements, all leading you to believe you can’t live without them.
With all this money spent on dietary supplements you would think Americans would have powerful immune systems that can fight off illness. But, sadly, this is not the case. Six in ten adults have one chronic disease and four in 10 have two or more. So What’s The Message?…..
This pandemic is putting into focus exactly what has been wrong with America: Industrial Big Ag and Big Food have been decimating our health for nearly a century, feeding us toxic fuel. Selling us highly processed and nutrient depleted and chemically saturated foods and vitamins pills and convincing us with mega advertising campaigns that everything will work out……
America is one of the most unhealthy countries on the globe and we are about to experience a great challenge. I feel urgent with this newsletter, because many states are getting ready to ease restrictions, not because COVID-19 has been eliminated or has disappeared. The idea is that many more of us will get the virus and will develop immunity, and only then will the virus not have a hold on us in great numbers. But we will have to fight to live through this next phase. For many of us that will involve no longer taking our health for granted.
Fortunately, learning to live in a new way is available to anyone who wants to break off from the old ways of treating our health and wants to join the new revolution. This is what we teach at Diet For Living School. It involves being in the world in a whole new way. It’s a reconnection, after a lifetime of disconnection, from eating ‘food products’ to eating true foods. For me, when I was fighting cancer, it was a reconnection to what God intended for me to eat after I had lost my way.
“I once was lost but now I’m found,
T’was blind but now I see…..”
It starts with stepping away from bottled, boxed and processed foods, man-made supplements/powders and mountains of pseudo health foods. It asks that you deeply consider what foods are closest to the Divine’s purpose for your nutritional needs. Why? Because we have gotten way off track. Once you ask the question, you will begin to see the world with new eyes.
Today, I would like to introduce you to the natural superfood supplement Bee Pollen. Superfoods are unprocessed, nutritionally complete foods found in Nature. One of our favorites is Bee Pollen.
Bees go from flower to flower daily in search of pollen to bring back to the hive. They’re pollen snobs. Their natural instincts are very selective and research has shown that they will choose only the pollen that is richest in nutrients to take back to the hive.
The pollen is actually collected on small hairs on the bee’s legs. The bees have a slightly negative charge, and the pollen is slightly positive, so basically the bees are like pollen magnets. ‘THE GLORIOUS GRAND PLAN’. How genius is that! The bees deposit the pollen in ‘baskets’ on their legs. But because of the charge they can overfill their basket, and their overfill is collected as it falls off when they enter their hives.
There are tons of health benefits to be gained from taking Bee Pollen. It’s one of the most nutritionally complete foods in Nature and easily absorbed by the body. This is the true definition of a Superfood. Eating straight from Nature the way God intended. Pollen is a great source of vitamins B, C, D, E as well as protein. It’s many benefits include:
> enhancement of the immune system*****
> increased vitality and stamina
> slowing the aging process
> helping to prevent cancer
> helping you lose weight
We like to add the Bee Pollen granules to our blender drinks.
This is our present favorite:
1 cup raw almond milk
½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
½ ripe banana
½ cup fresh baby coconut meat
½ teaspoon unpasteurized Bee Pollen granules
2 small fresh kale leaves
Blend in a high speed blender until creamy and drink right away while fresh. DIVINO!
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It is 100% online so you can access it from anywhere.
Work at your own pace.
Date to be announced soon!
…..Be sure to ask about our Payment Plan….
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