I want to begin by first sharing with you why we created Diet For Living School and why I am so passionate about the topic of using Detoxification and Therapy Foods as healing tools.
As many of you know, when I was 53, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. What started out as a gigantic crisis turned my life around. Like most Americans I was conditioned to believe that, when you’re diagnosed with this life threatening disease, your only option is to get out the big guns: surgery, chemo and radiation.
Yet when my mom was diagnosed with cancer at 53….she had done everything Western Medicine had to offer, and died anyway. This painful memory never left my mind.
By a stroke of Divine Grace, a friend suggested the works of Dr Ann Wigmore. Dr Ann had cured her own cancer using Detoxification and Therapy Foods: fiber-rich plant-based foods, fresh pressed juices, live fermented foods, and wheatgrass juice. Dr Ann’s relentless faith in detoxing the body encouraged me to attempt healing myself with diet and lifestyle change.
My detour from the normal route to treat cancer led me on a healing journey I could have never guessed. It cured me of cancer and introduced me to a whole other way of looking at the modern food system and the part it plays in creating disease. Up till that point I had never considered that I only ate processed, packaged foods and man made supplements created in a laboratory.
Yet, I must admit, when I began I was a bit apprehensive. It was a new way for me to look at my world. But as I stayed consistent with the Therapy Foods, my tumor shrank from the size of a melon to the size of an orange in just three months. Within a year there was no sign of it; I was cancer free. As my life started to regain some equilibrium, I began to study Natural Nutrition to better understand how and why the foods were so effective in preventing and often healing illness. What I found was a New World of scientific research that blew my mind wide open….
Medical literature is full of studies, yet few doctors have taken the time to delve into these recent discoveries that have proven so effective in helping people reduce disease risk so they can take action now. We cannot totally blame doctors for not telling us all the facts because, in truth, most doctors don’t know them. They know only the basics of prevention: don’t smoke, don’t drink too much alcohol, exercise, and eat more fruits and vegetables instead of burgers, fries and donuts. That’s about it.
Although good advice, this list barely touches upon what you need to stay healthy. Medical education concentrates on surgical and pharmaceutical treatments of disease…. after you have them. Most doctors know very little about nutrition because it is only skimmed over in medical school. It accounts for about 10 hours of class time. Then, when they go into private practice, they only have 15 minutes between patients. ‘Get um in-get um out’….is the name of the game. No time for education….
Thankfully, that has not slowed the mounting evidence based information concerning plant-based foods and their healing potential. Nutritional Scientists have found that nearly all vegetables and fruits have a variety of cancer-fighting properties. The American Cancer Society recommends piling them on your plate. The American Diabetes Association recommends eating more plant-based foods. The American Heart Association recommends loading up on plant-based foods to prevent heart attack. The research is there.
Although foods and diets are on the forefront of everyone’s mind, most of the population is used to eating processed products and are unsure how to go forward. How do they take all these valuable discoveries and formulate it into a lifestyle that they can practice for themselves and their families?
Because of this well recognized educational gap, Health Coaching has become an essential service and support system. At Diet For Living School, for the last ten years, we have been teaching Holistic Health Coaches and Cancer Coaches how to be the educators and guides that people need to become healthy and stay healthy. Our students have ranged from newbies seeking to address their own health concerns, to people making career changes, to nurses, homeopathic doctors, science teachers, as well as moms looking to get the family back on track. We have even had graduates of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) who were looking to go deeper into what we teach not covered in their broad training.
We spend twelve weeks of on-line study covering the root causes of the most common food related diseases. We go into which foods weaken the body and what foods protect it and make it strong and invincible. Which foods detox the body of harmful toxins and what foods help the body repair and rebuild. We go deep into the elimination system and the important role it plays in protecting us from disease. Our unique component to the training includes 12 weeks of videos showing you step by step how to make the Therapy Foods into recipes you can use on your own healing journey as well as teach to your clients.
Our training uses comprehensive workbooks, videos, audio podcasts and hand-outs, as well as recipes and daily lessons on our private facebook page. Our exciting 3 month program is formatted to give you the confidence to go forward, to coach and educate others. We teach a structured healing system so that you and your clients can become a results oriented team.
Because 1 in 3 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime we include a special training woven through the Program using Therapy Foods as taught by Dr Ann Wigmore and Dr Max Gerson. These are the healing systems I used to heal my own cancer.
At Diet For Living School we teach that everyone has the power and ability to influence their health more then they they can imagine. That power is at the end of our forks. Want to know more? I invite you to study with us.
If you are seeking a career that:
> Impacts every area of your life.
> Guarantees your personal growth.
> Connects you to an incredible community that inspires you.
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SIGN-UP NOW for our SPRING 2020 Training and get $500 off the complete price….Have your new business up and running in 2020!
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ONE MORE THING: Diet For Living School is Board Certified by the globally recognized American Association Of Drugless Practitioners. This means upon graduation you can apply for further certification from the AADP if you choose.
A $300 Deposit Will Assure That You Receive The Training That Will Change Your Life. You Do Not Want To Miss Out On Getting A Spot!
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E-mail us at dietforlivingschool@gmail.com or call us at 505.243.1157
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