Love Will Not Be Cancelled
Kindness Will Not Be Cancelled
Conversations Will Not Be Cancelled
Relationships Will Not Be Cancelled
Nature Will Not Be Cancelled
Music Will Not Be Cancelled
Memories Will Not Be Cancelled
Hope Will Not Be Cancelled
Movement Will Not Be Cancelled
Our Faith Will Not Be Cancelled
Self Care Will Not Be Cancelled
Creativity Will Not Be Cancelled
Our Love Affair With Healthy Food Will Not Be Cancelled
Treats Will Not Be Cancelled
Staying healthy while we are being encouraged to isolate in place does not just mean juicing, salads and smoothies. There is a whole world of glorious Vegan-Raw Desserts to indulge in. Eating Vegan-Raw dessert for us sweet tooth-ers allows us to treat ourselves right without the buckets of processed dairy and white sugars that stress our precious immune systems….leaving them unable to fight disease.
I want to share with you a Plant-based, Raw-Vegan Cheesecake recipe that contains plenty of vitamin C, protein, zinc, magnesium, good fats, important fiber, and no cholesterol. This easy recipe can be made with just a food processor and a blender!
2 cups almond meal
1/2 cup medjool dates
1/4 cup coconut palm sugar
1/4 cup Raw cacao powder
2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
> In the food processor add almond meal, dates and coconut palm sugar. Process until incorporated.
> Add the rest of the ingredients and process until mixture starts to stick together.
> Grease bottom of a spring form pan with organic coconut oil
> Spread the crust mixture evenly on bottom of pan.
3 cups Raw organic cashews, soaked for two hours; then drained
1 cup Raw almond milk
3/4 cup pure Raw agave nectar
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
Zest of one organic lemon
2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup non GMO lecithin powder
3/4 cup cacao butter, gently warmed and soft
Place the cashews, nut milk, agave, lemon juice and vanilla into a high speed blender and process until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until creamy.
> Pour the filling over the crust, smoothing with a spatula.
> Top with glorious antioxidant-rich bright berries. I like strawberries, blueberries or red raspberries.
> Freeze until ready to eat. Divine-Oh!
Diet For Living School’s Spring 100% OnLine Certified Holistic Health Coach/Cancer Coach Program will not be cancelled. We believe now is one of the best times to be an educator. Teach people to eat the healthiest foods on planet Earth. Whole, chemical free, organic, unpasteurized foods, with all the nutrients intact. Not foods that have been Mass Produced by the Industrial Food Industry…. their foods have been bottled, boxed, and processed, then labeled with every false scammie promise. We cannot build strong bodies that fight disease on this money making system…..If we are to take a personal stand and make our systems less hospitable to infection, this education is a great first step.
We are so excited. We just started our SPRING 2020 PROGRAM. We feel so honored to be working with another group of students that is as committed to changing the world as much as we are.
Sending Huge Loving Energy to Our Global Community!
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Check Out Our Testimonials here:
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E-mail us at dietforlivingschool@gmail.com or call us at 505.243.1157
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