I spent much of my adult life food obsessed, a very complicated relationship with eating and childhood wounding. I rocked between guilty preoccupation and major deprivation, finding no peace in between. Precarious ground for self love.
After I was diagnosed with uterine cancer and chose a chemo-free, natural nutrition recovery, I began a journey to understand self-love. As part of my healing process, I no longer wanted to react to food. You know: plate, fork, food, mouth…whoops, I ate too much again. I needed foods and a plan I could truly count on, foods that could heal me and restore me.
As I became educated, I created a new appointment with life. To stay alive, I needed to learn to treat myself as if I had great value. No more apologies or excuses. I would need to stop struggling with what is right and true and open up to collaborating with the rules of the Universe and those systems that would help me thrive. My passion became so great for all that I learned, that all I could think about was starting a school so I could share what I learned with others. I wanted to create a ripple effect. As each person became educated, they would carry it forward to anyone and everyone who wanted to know a new way to live.
Here is what I learned to be true:
One: There are few things you can do to impact your life more powerfully, profoundly and permanently than changing your diet. Every morsel of food that enters your mouth has a direct impact on your body, mind and spirit. Keeping my diet 80% vegan raw living and plant based kept down confusion, making it easier for me to do the right thing. When I first began my journey it meant I would need to learn a new way to be in the world. I had to go back to school and study Food as Medicine, a decision that would change my whole life.
Two: You can’t befriend, embrace and truly love someone who is always letting you down, who is not faithful. The same applies to yourself. At the center of every human heart, we already know what we need to do to heal but we simultaneously crave and resist discovering our authentic selves. We avoid it because it puts us face-to-face with immense challenges and demands uncomfortable action steps. But if you let yourself down daily, you’re not going to feel so warm and fuzzy about You. And it gets extremely exhausting…
The journey begins by making a divine contract between you and your God to treat yourself as a part of the Greater Whole. This means no more processed man-made foods loaded with chemical additives and toxins. You break free from a food system that is killing some of us slowly, and others more quickly. When you feel weak in the knees, ready to cave into a trigger food, you use prayer, mantras, meditations, walking your dog, whatever is required to pull through. My mantra is “I will not take it out on myself”, over and over. Find your own mantra that touches home, or use mine.
“Change Doesn’t Hurt As Much As The Resistance To Change”
Three: Self love is not a destination….it’s a practice, day in and day out….24-7-365. Drink fresh green juices, eat a daily colorful rainbow salad, drink your water, take a walk. Make yourself proud. In time these habits will change you and self love will slip in on you naturally. One day you will just say “Wow!!!!! I really love who I’ve become!”
Take Charge Of Your Life
If we want to live long healthy lives, we will have to re-think what we have been taught to think. We have to be willing to ask new questions, look at the world with new eyes. And have the courage to hear the answers. Manifesting the Life you desire is not magic. It requires releasing limited beliefs and blocks that may be holding you back.
I invite you to take a goal check:
> Are You Reaching For Your Full Potential?
> What Are You Not Willing To Surrender?
> What Are You Resisting To Avoid Taking The Next Step?
> What New Things Do You Need To Learn?
> What New Habits Do You Need To Put In Place To Make That Happen?
> What Do You Need To Let Go Of To Go Forward?
To fly free, we need to stop being held hostage by the American Food System. We need to by-pass the modern packaged products as well as the junk foods that are triggers and land mines and live closer to Nature’s plan for us. Those exhausted pleasure centers that were triggered daily by eating chemical filled processed foods will relax. Our weight no longer yo-yo’s up and down with the fluctuation of our moods. Our food cravings calm. Only then can our weight finds it’s own true range. It’s called your ‘set point’. Everyone has one. It’s part of the Grand Plan. We get to experience what it feels like to be in a body that belongs to us, the one we were gifted with when we came onboard the planet. With time we heal, we become free, we become whole. Anything else is called ‘out of balance’, a charade blocking us from our authentic selves.
When we refuse to play the ‘Big Food’ game it’s then that we get to affect the course of history. As caretakers of generations to come, we put an end to the cycle of self hate of our bodies and our relationship to food for ourselves, our children and everyone we help and mentor. When we give back to our communities as Health Coaches, guides and educators, everyone benefits.
If you are seeking a career that:
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