If you are claiming responsibility for your health, you’ll want to get serious about what foods the body requires to function well…from what nutrients the brain needs to process information correctly to the very best foods needed to live a long disease free life.
But what about what our vagina needs? Most of us have been taught to ignore this passageway that delivered all of us….unless it gives us trouble. Then the irritation and discomfort of infection is all we can think about.
What we eat can make a big difference. You may be surprised to know that your colon is not the only area that is reliant on a healthy colony of beneficial bacteria. So is your vagina. A recent study, published in the journal Nature, found millions of previously unknown strains of bacteria not only living in your digestive tract, but also the skin, mouth and vagina.
When the vaginal environment is in peak, perfect health….it supports a colony of robust Lactobacilli; a probiotic strain that acts as a type of barrier to help protect against pathogenic microorganisms….“the bad guys”….from establishing a home in that part of our bodies.
I want to share three important things you can do to protect the health of your vagina:
> 1. Eat plenty of fermented foods: Vegetables that have been fermented contain lactobacilli. Choose kimchi, sauerkraut and miso when looking for fermented foods to buy. Make sure it is not pasteurized, which kills the bacteria necessary for building and maintaining a healthy vaginal colony of bacteria.
> 2. Garlic: Don’t be shy. Garlic eaten raw contains major antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Raw garlic everyday will keep pathogens away.
> 3. Shop for Organic Feminine Products: One of the top chemicals sprayed on cotton plants is the herbicide Glyphosate (also known as Round-up). The herbicide is sprayed liberally in the field while the cotton flower is in bloom. Glyphosate is absorbed directly into the cells of the plant. Our pads and tampons are made out of this un-organic cotton. It enters women’s bodies through the vagina, an area that is very porous. Glyphosate can cause DNA damage and is linked to autoimmune diseases. One in 5 Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases. 75% of that number are women.
It took until 2015 for research by the World Health Organization to speak out about cancer risk associated with Glyphosate. But the word is out. This is a very dangerous toxin, it must be avoided.
If we want to keep lovely lady’s walls, it is time to create a friendship with this Divine area of the body.
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