First we need to begin by knowing “what on Earth are transfats?”
How are they made? And how bad are they for you, really? Why has the FDA determined that these oils are ‘generally recognized as unsafe”?
To keep it simple: Transfats, trans unsaturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids, are not found in Nature. Transfats are man-made, formed when scientists add hydrogen to vegetable oil, which, when applied to foods, extends the shelf life for a very long time. This is modern chemistry tampering with our foods.
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Why do manufacturers love transfats? Shelf Life…Shelf Life…Shelf Life….
Transfats can build up in the walls of your arteries, making them hard and narrow. If the fatty deposits within the arteries tear or rupture, a blood clot is formed and can block flow to a part of your heart, causing a heart attack, or to your brain, causing a stroke.
French fries at restaurants deep fry in this oil because it doesn’t have to be changed out as often. Some other foods drenched in transfats are potato chips, tortilla chips, popcorn, non-dairy creamer, cakes, cookies, donuts, pizza crust…
Good Fats provide the energy for most of our life’s functions….healthy brain and nervous system, cell function, maintaining your skin and tissues.
What are good fats? It’s really quite simple too. Raw Plant based foods are the good fats. Raw plant based fats contain no cholesterol. These foods would be avocados, olives, extra virgin olive oil, Raw nuts and seeds, extra virgin coconut oil and butter. Whole foods un-tampered with by manmade manufacturing is your best bet for staying healthy and living a long life.
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