French Fries are sooo quick and handy, aren’t they? That’s because you can easily find them at most restaurants. But here’s the major problem with fries. Most restaurants don’t offer organic potatoes. Non-organic potatoes are a disaster to our health and one of the scariest foods on the planet. We almost always eat french fries when we are ‘out’. Most restaurants carry only conventional grown potatoes so here’s the situation with fries…….
According to the USDA Pesticide Data Program, non-organic potatoes host 35 different chemical pesticides in which:
> all 35 are known carcinogens
> 12 are ‘suspected’ hormone disruptors
> 7 are neurotoxins
> 6 are developmental or reproductive toxins
It doesn’t stop there. Conventionally grown potatoes are fertilized with bio-solids, made from treated waste from hospitals and industry. If that’s not enough insult to the simple potato, they are then dug up and sprayed with a chemical wash to prevent sprouting while they travel.
The potato is 80% water and acts like a living sponge, absorbing all these dangerous chemicals.
Potatoes destined for french fries are then blanched at the factory in hot water, fried in vegetable oil and frozen for transportation and delivery to restaurants. Because frozen potatoes are seriously bland, they need copious amounts of help to make them desirable. Enter the ‘Flavor Additive Industry’ (aka the Flavor Addictive Industry). The first french fries were created by McDonald’s Hamburgers, cooked in a mixture of 7% cottonseed oil and 93% beef tallow. They set the standard for what a french fry should taste like. Today that flavor is replicated by the flavor additive industry. This industry is highly secretive. This is because they have figured out flavor additive recipes to dress fries that will seduce your self-will and invade your dreams. The truth is french fries are a modern corporate product controlled by the American Food Industry that has no consideration for your health or wellbeing.
The bottom line: Avoid this harmful toxic non-food and refuse to play the corporate food game. The organic plant based diet is packed with exciting healthy foods and tastes that will knock your socks off, help you lose weight, heal degenerative diseases and allow you live a long healthy life.
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