From the moment I began my relationship with my Excalibur Dehydrator it was Love!
Learning to dehydrate has been THE game changer in my Raw Food diet. It adds extra nutrients and satisfies cravings for crunchy foods and sweet foods. Baking foods renders unusable one half the available protein and all or nearly all of the vital nutrients and enzymes, whereas dehydrated foods are dried slow at low temps, so you can just relax and enjoy those nutritional benefits.
I couldn’t live without my dehydrated foods. For those of us trying to avoid wheat and gluten, it’s exciting to grind your own fresh flour in a coffee mill from almond, sunflower or flax seeds, or even from coconut! This is the new world, preparing raw super delicious crackers, breads, cookies, granola, and snack nibbles that are packed with nutrients and are not fattening. Finally, yummies that you don’t have to wear on your hips.
Flax seeds are a great base for making crackers and crisps in a dehydrator. The seed of the flax raw flax crackers and dip is rich in nutrients, healthy essential fatty acids and soluble fiber. High in the omega’s, 22% protein and easy on the digestive system.
When flax is soaked, it becomes mucilaginous and holds together well when spread thinly on a dehydrator tray. The mild flavor of the flax seed takes well to seasoning. You can add herbs, garlic, olives, sea vegetables, spices, sun-dried tomatoes, vegetables, seeds and nuts in endless variations. This transforms crackers from empty calories to nutrient dense foods.
The Excalibur Dehydrator is one of the 3 essential tools in the Raw Foods Kitchen Revolution!
If you are ready to get started on the path to the most exciting and healthy food on the planet, be sure to check our our workshop page for ‘THE PERFECT RAW CLEANSE’ this March 3rd at 10 AM here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where we teach you how to dehydrate food. It’s easy and fun, and will change the way you look at eating fresh foods.