I hear this often, especially in low-carb circles: sugar is sugar is sugar. Meaning all sugars are the same. This is a great misunderstanding. “Anyone who tells you sugar is sugar is way behind the times,” says well respected Doctor Joseph Mercola.
He goes on to say, “the problem with this view point is that added sweeteners and fruit have completely different metabolic effects. It isn’t the fructose that is so bad. It’s the massive doses you’re exposed to in processed foods in the form of Crystalline Fructose, used by the food and beverage industry. This man-made product has no ability to signal to the body that you’re full”. Hence it’s easy to binge on and is attributed to all kinds of modern diseases. You can see how we could get so mixed up.
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Fiber is Nature’s ingenious component that signals to the body that you’re satiated. Raw Fruits in their whole form (not juiced) are full of fiber. Dr. Mercola goes on to say “In vegetables and fruits natural fructose is mixed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and beneficial phytonutrients”.
Dr. Mercola also says that “sugar is sugar” is not based in any scientific fact. People in SouthEast Asia, where there is no problem with diabetes, heart disease or cancer, have consumed plenty of fruits for thousands of years. In the Food As Medicine Healing System we love fruit in moderation! It satisfies the natural sweet tooth.
P.S The most surprising fruits commonly mistaken for vegetables are: Avocados, Tomatoes, Peapods, Cucumbers, Olives, Pumpkin and Squash.
And Almonds are also a fruit!
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