OutSmart Cancer MasterClass With Diet For Living School
Learn To Use Food As Medicine
To Fight and Survive Cancer At Any Stage
In Your Healing Journey
This 100% OnLine Training Is Created For
Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Survivors
Purchase Now-Start Today!
There are those unique, life-changing times where the landscape is so different from anything we’ve experienced, that reaching out for additional support, guidance and direction is our next best step. A diagnosis of cancer is one of those times. This can be the perfect opportunity to learn a new way to live in the world. Improving our lifestyle and adopting changes in how we eat fills a gap often missing in conventional cancer treatment; not a replacement plan necessarily, but an important component to guide you into a self empowered role to help conquer your health challenges.
To OutSmart Cancer people are waking up to the benefits of using Food As Medicine, encouraged by the growing body of research that supports the idea that changing your diet can change the out come of ones health at any stage in their cancer journey.
But knowing intuitively that food can influence health is one thing, having the science and structure to apply it is another.
As a cancer survivor I know cancer is too serious a disease to not have a plan in place. In this training I will show you how to take all important cancer fighting foods and organize them into a daily protocol that will give you the knowledge and confidence to fight and win back your health.
Hello I am Paula Diana. Founder of Diet For Living School. Educating others on their cancer healing journey has been a passion of mine for years.
As an 20 year uterine cancer survivor I know first hand that cancer is one of the ultimate challenges anyone of us can face. Being introduced to using Food As Medicine as a healing tool let me take an active role in my health, allowing me to profoundly seize control of my life and contribute to my long term survivorship. I want to share what I’ve learned with you.
Today scientific research is able to prove how certain foods contribute to the healing process. Using Food As Medicine is a serious Game Changer. What we eat has an enormous impact when it comes to defeating cancer. In this class I want to introduce you to the important cancer-fighting foods that support the body’s healing process. Foods that allow the body to put full concentration into rebuilding the weakened immune system, eliminate toxins, repair damaged organs, rebuild new healthy cells and restore colon health. The same foods I used to fight cancer and win.
- Are Anti-Inflammatory
- Have A Full Spectrum Of Nutrients
- Help Regulate Hormones
- Allow The Body to Detox At A Safe Pace
- Contain Plant Compounds That Contribute To Tumor Shrinkage
- Can Activate Anti-Angiogenesis To Starve Cancer
- Create An Inner Environment That Is Inhospitable To Cancer and Discourages Cancer Cell Growth
- Flush The Colon And Help Rebuild A Healthy Microbiome
- ONE: 9 instructor led videos walking you through easy to make cancer-fighting foods.
- TWO: A fundamental guide book that takes the guess work out of creating a successful healing journey.
- THREE: Dedicated and personalized coaching support to help and guide you.
Reversing disease symptoms means getting deeply involved with ones healing. It’s a journey from disconnection to connection. It’s the realization that you have the ability to influence your state of health more than you could have ever imagined.
Healing with natural nutrition is based on consuming foods in their purest and most valuable form: fresh, organic, plant-based, and enzyme rich, as well as the use of unpasteurized fermented foods for colon repair.
Keeping It Simple And Easy: You will receive lifetime access to 9 OUTSMART CANCER instructional youtube videos that walk you through the steps of making the easy-to-craft transformative cancer fighting foods with a short educational presentation so that you have an understanding of why that specific food contributes to your healing process. No matter your skills in the kitchen these videos will help you feel confident and prepared making:
- Small Batch Probiotic Kraut
- Dairy-free Milk
- Vegan Fermented Nut Cheese
- Protein Dense Seed Pate
- Chlorophyll Abundant Wheatgrass Juice
- Antioxidant Rich Cacao Treats
- Baby Coconut Chia Seed Pudding
- Gluten Free Dehydrated Breads
- Fresh Aloe Vera Elixir
These self-paced YouTube videos can be accessed from any device so that you can go at your you convenience and take the time you need to move forward with your health goals.
Awaken the self healing powers of your body with your ebook copy of Diet For Living Cancer Free/The New Frontier Of Health and Healing.
Fighting cancer is too important to leave to chance. You need a plan. This guide book will take the guess work out of creating a successful healing journey. This straight forward book contains a structured detox cleanse as well as an abundance of information, sustainable solutions and strategies for caring for your body while you navigate your path to wellness. It is a culmination of everything you need to get started with your own unique healing journey.
Beginning anything new can feel over-whelming. Please know you are not alone. We are here for you to help guide and support you. We provide dedicated personalized coaching support while you build your confidence.
If you are ready to take control of your health we look forward to assisting you. Your OutSmart Cancer MasterClass comes with one month of email support to help you stay organized and keep on track.
Cost for this life changing training is $450 On Sale for $300
Have Questions? Drop us an email at: outsmartcancer@gmail.com
We Are Here For You.
Much Love And Support.
The Diet For Living School Team
Sign-up For Our Free Newsletter here to learn more about using
Food As Medicine As a Healing Tool
Disclaimer: The information in this class is presented for educational purposes only.
It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified,
licensed medical professional. The information presented is offered as information only,
not medical advice. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of
this material to any specific situation.