Start Or Expand Your Coaching Education and Career With Us
We invite you to join the New Frontier of Optimum Health. In the evolving world of Health Coaching our Our Certification gives our students a deep, holistic understanding of using our Food As Medicine Healing System as a primary therapeutic tool.
To have a successful coaching business you will need to provide your clients with results oriented guidance and advice that allows them to reach their health goals.
For 15 years Diet For Living School has been teaching our students a science supported Food As Medicine Healing System that has greatly improved their lives as well as the lives of their clients.
The healing system we teach relies on a unique class of foods that are super-concentrated, nutrient rich, and provide an abundance of synergistic elements in their natural state that work together in the human body to bring about healing.
The whole concept of awakening our self-healing powers with the use of live-food superfoods revolves around the understanding that when we support the body’s regenerative defense systems with specific foods we can:
> Optimize The Immune System
> Rebuild The Microbiome
> Balance The Hormonal System
> Shrink Cancerous Tumors
> Effectively Repair DNA Damage
When we give the body all the support it needs by cleansing it of toxins while simultaneously feeding it the most potent foods on planet Earth an astounding metamorphosis occurs as we literally open the doors to limitless possibilities of vibrant health and longevity.
Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic we offered several trainings every year where students from all over the world attended. Beginning in 2021 all of our Program offerings became web based.
Why You Should Train With Us: We’re Not Just A School: We’re A Community
One of the great advantages of our Program is that we help you create your own healing journey while you learn to become a powerful educator….It’s a WIN-WIN! This is a great way to start. Your own personal experiences make you a stronger coach for your future clients. Working in a group together provides you with the motivation and the support of a like minded community that wants you to succeed.
Our Food as Medicine Healing System helps the body heal from:
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- AutoImmune Diseases
- Arthritis
- Obesity
- Heart Disease
- Chronic Fatigue
- Digestive problems
- Addictions
“I’m so grateful I found the Diet For Living School. My health was declining until I started implementing the foods Paula was teaching. During the Program I then grew the confidence to do a 30 day vegan raw challenge. Within that 30 days I was able to lose 21 pounds, heal multiple health issues, helping others along the way, and now starting my own business. Paula Diana is one of the most caring, knowledgeable persons I’ve ever known. I thank you so much for a very fun, informative program.”
Lashanea Petitfrere, Oceanside, California
Our Special Attention To Holistic Cancer Coaching
Diet For Living School is the only Coaching Program that includes training in how the Food As Medicine Healing System can benefit people suffering with cancer as well as cancer survivors. There is an evolutionary shift taking place in the world of healing. Nutritional Science researchers have made so many important discoveries in the past five years. The latest data now shows that our genetics or bad luck play a very small role in why such a large number of the population is now contracting cancer. New research shows 90% of cancer is now considered a food related disease that can be attributed to the nutrient deficient, chemical laden Western diet in conjunction with lifestyle choices and environmental factors.
With 1 out of every 2 Americans being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime it is imperative that coaches and educators are able to offer nutritional guidance that improves and empowers the lives of our clients.
Detoxing with Vegan Living Foods and Superfoods to restore order in the body and heal degenerative disease was first taught by the great healers Dr. Max Gerson and Dr Ann Wigmore. Their pioneering discoveries are used at CHIPSA Hospital and in six major cleansing centers in the United States that teach the value of using Food As Medicine to help the body heal from cancer. Their groundbreaking discoveries are the foundations from which we teach.
“I am writing this with heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for your wonderful course. The information provided allowed me to ease into the healing that my body so desperately needed to overcome cancer. The lesson modules clearly explained how to add in this totally new approach to food and its purpose in a user friendly and cost effective way. I can’t thank-you enough for your gentle accompaniment over the past year and would highly encourage anyone with a health challenge, who wants to live their best life, or to coach others to share this valuable information to take your course.”
Carla, Naples, Florida
Food as Medicine For Peri-menopause-Menopause and Beyond
80% of clients that seek out the services of a health coach are women. We know it is all important to recognize women’s most pressing concerns. We feel this opening in the Menopausal Movement presents a huge window of opportunity where we can step forward as educators and create a support system for this prime stage of life.
This groundbreaking course will revolutionize the way you approach the care of women clients who are going through the peri-menopause and menopause transition.
Opening up to understanding this phase of life is not just about weight loss and hot flashes. It’s so much deeper than that. It’s about learning a different way to take care of ourselves. Our Food as Medicine Training is designed to meet the ever-evolving needs of our clients and ensure we stay ahead of the curve.
The Whole Body Approach To Healing
For years pioneering Natural Nutrition Healers have known that a period of deep detoxification and lifestyle change using Living Plant-based foods has the ability to reverse many of the chronic disease conditions the population now suffers. A return to foods closer to Nature allows the body to cleanse, repair and rebuild simultaneously: a Three Prong Approach.
The body is a self-healing and self-rejuvenating organism when given the proper tools and environment. Cleansing the body with nutrient dense, fiber rich foods and fresh extracted juices boosts the immune system while allowing toxins to leave the body gently over time. With our training you will learn to teach your clients an action-step oriented ‘Lifestyle Change Program’. We teach you everything you need to know to enable your client to become an empowered participant in this whole-body approach to healing.
What Makes Our School The Ultimate Learning Experience?
It’s our integrative Food As Medicine Healing System training that goes with your Coaching curriculum. Offering your clients transformation with sticking power means introducing the healthy food choices that help them detox, lose stubborn weight and prevent or reverse disease symptoms to keep them healthy for years to come.
Reshape The Future Of Health and Healing
There has never been a more important time than now to become a Nutrition Coach. The World is presently facing a health epidemic. 90% of modern diseases are now considered food and lifestyle diseases.
For 15 years we have been teaching our Food As Medicine program that has transformed the health and lives of both our students and their clients. The concept of food as medicine is not new. However, nutritional science has evolved and developed significantly over the years; our knowledge of nutrients, bioactive compounds in foods and their relationship with disease has advanced as the role of food in health continues to grow.
Students leave our program grounded in the fundamentals of sound nutrition and the importance detoxification plays in the healing process combined with the vital role of a healthy micro-biome. When you study with us, you will expand your understanding of nutritional science and how it works to create optimum health.
The Four Pillars of Our 3 Month Program
Our three month curriculum will give you all the skills you need to effectively design your own business with success and confidence. This part of the training is delivered in instructor led videos, workbooks, easy to follow recipes and training handouts. You will also have your own private group Facebook page to ask questions, receive advice and get encouragement and support.
Pillar One: Home Study…All The Nutritional Knowledge That Matters
When class begins you will receive your Diet For Living Program Workbook. This in depth resource covers the science and nutrition of how Vegan Plant-Based Raw Foods work to heal.
Topics include:
- Why living plant based foods are more powerful than cooked foods for fighting disease.
- The importance of using a full spectrum of nutrients for repair and renewal.
- Addressing inflammation with alkaline plant based foods.
- The benefits of wheatgrass juice in the detoxification process.
- Why we begin with cleansing and detoxing first.
- The science of why the foods work at the DNA level.
- The powerful role a healthy elimination system plays in healing.
- How to create an inner terrain that is inhospitable to cancer and other chronic diseases.
- How detoxing can repair the body as a wholism and allow clients to reclaim their health.

Pillar Two: ‘Food As Medicine’ Video Demos
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food” Hippocrates
The most groundbreaking discoveries are now pointing to compounds in plants to prevent, and allow the body to heal from cancer and other chronic diseases.
At Diet For Living School we teach a powerful healing system using fresh pressed juices, potent live wheatgrass chlorophyll, unpasteurized fermented foods, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, fresh Vegan Raw nut milks and sea vegetables, all made into delicious and easy to prepare meals. These Superfoods are then organized into a daily Phase One Cleanse Protocol that anyone can practice with ease.
In this part of the Program you learn to ‘Maximize Your Impact’ as a holistic healer. You receive specialized knowledge, skills and strategies that directly impact clients who are ready to transform their bodies and their lives.
Using weekly videos you can access at your own pace
you will learn how to make:
- Cleansing Fresh Pressed Juices
- Chlorophyll Abundant WheatGrass Juice
- Gluten-free Dehydrated Breads
- Vegan Fermented Nut Cheeses
- Small Batch Probiotic Rich Kraut
- Dairy-Free Milks
- Delicious Power Packed Smoothies
- Baby Coconut Chia Seed Pudding
- Wheat Free Dehydrated Crackers
- Protein Dense Seed Patès
- SuperFood Botanical Elixirs and Supplements
- Antioxidant Rich Cacao Treats
In this part of the training you will receive weekly video demos that allow you to go at your own pace. A copy of the foods in a ‘structured cleanse format’ will be provided so you can organize a detox cleanse for clients.

Pillar Three: Transformational Coaching Skills.
Subjects covered:
- How to conduct one-on-one interviews with confidence.
- The all important questions to ask to understand your client’s patterns with food.
- How to create a plan that helps your client make needed change.
- The skills and tools to bring your client through a Detox Cleanse using fresh pressed juices and nutrient dense Vegan Plant-based Raw foods.
- How to create ‘Coaching Packages’ that add more value to your clients experience and provide more income for you.
- How to build a sustainable business in today’s economy.
- The benefits of becoming an affiliate.
- How to conduct demos and workshops.
- How to charge what you are worth so that you can build a life that works.
You will receive audio podcasts, training hand-outs, check lists and scripts, as well as guidance in how to package it all into a thriving business.
Pillar Four: Master Business Building Skills
Every week during the 3 months of our Diet For Living School ‘Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach’ training we teach a business class called “Money Monday”. This leg of the Program prepares you to think and plan like a confident entrepreneur so that you can be a change maker that runs a modern business with confidence.
We teach the most up to date, smart, effective marketing strategies to impact your online presence. We discuss topics such as the logistics of being an affiliate, how best to name your new business, as well as how to use facebook and YouTube as marketing tools so you can reach a broader audience. We cover coaching one-on-one on Skype, Facetime and Zoom, as well as doing group demos and presentations. This is just a snippet. The class includes everything you need to get yourself up and running to begin making an enlightened income.
We have included Money Monday in the training because we know that for many this is your first step out into creating your own business. We know it’s a learning curve but one you can tackle with our help. We’ve got you covered. Together, each week, we answer all of your questions.
We provide you with:
- Continued guidance while you build your coaching skills.
- Support creating a specific plan to work with your niche market.
- Help building a successful online presence.
- The secrets to building a business blog that supports and sells you.
- Techniques to use Business Facebook to get and to keep loyal followers.
- Tools for making strategic alliances in your community.
Staying connected.
All students are included in our online community. You will have the opportunity to join an open session on a private Facebook page where you can stay connected with your instructors and your tribe of fellow students from class. There you can ask questions, discuss your course experiences, receive support, hear experiences of other students, get help with challenges, celebrate breakthroughs and be inspired and motivated by the community of your peers.
Personal Access: Every student has access all day on Fridays for answering all personal questions and receive guidance from your instructor by phone. In this way we work together to build your inner wisdom and ability to help others.
In Summary, Your class learning materials will include:
- Diet For Living Program WorkBook
- Diet For Living Cancer Free WorkBook
- Food As Medicine Video Demos
- Educational Audio Podcasts
- Access to Private Class Facebook Page To Answer All Of Your Questions
- Diet For Living Detox Cleanse: The Powerful Healing Protocol
- Our Complete Training Handouts
- Diet For Living Detox Cleanse: The Powerful Healing Protocol
- Easy Instructions for the Client Centered Lifestyle Change Program
- Complete Shopping List of All of the Important Living Foods To Stock the Kitchen
- Step-By-Step Group Presentation Blueprint
The World Needs Holistic Nutrition Coaches
The roots of holistic healing come from our natural need to help the world return to balance, to continue the circle of life.
If you long to learn a new way to live while becoming an educator that transforms the lives of others, we invite you to attend our next Holistic Nutrition Coach Program.
The cost of this training is $1500.
A $300 deposit holds your place in class.
Our School is Board Certified by the AADP, the American Association Of Drugless Practitioners. Upon graduation, if you choose, you have the option of joining the AADP, giving you additional accreditation as a Board Certified Health Coach.
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If you have any questions contact us by email at or call us at 505.243.1157