Scientific research has found that 90% of modern diseases in the Western World are attributed to poor food and lifestyle choices. This does not include COVID-19, our present major health concern. This falls into the 10% category. At Diet For Living School we are not infectious disease experts. We leave that to the professionals, who are working around the clock to inform us and keep us safe.
Because this area is not our speciality, the only intention of this newsletter is to share with you some tips on how Joseph and I are humbly attempting to keep our immune systems strong using living foods, maybe ones you have not thought of. Because one thing I have learned from being a 15 year cancer survivor is that you have to fight like you mean it, like you want to stick around…..
I think there is this idea that stocking up on foods (common sense stocking; not to be confused with hoarding) means you have to forgo quality for shelf life. But this is not at all true or necessary. Because temperatures above 115 degrees deplete 50% of the protein, 80% of the vitamins and minerals, as well as 85% of the antioxidants, we do our overall health a disservice when we skip out on living foods. An all cooked food diet lacks the life force to keep the immune system strong. And the quality of what we eat has never been more important.
There are plenty of powerhouse living foods that store well. Some of these are:
> RAW NUTS: Almonds, not a true nut but a fruit, have a 5,000 year long history of use. Using them to make fresh almond milk is a very, very old craft. They were introduced to Europe during the Medieval times by way of the Silk Road because the nuts stored well until ready to make moo-less milk. This quality milk has no relationship to modern boxed and bottled nut milks from the health food store. They are made with only 2 tablespoons of almonds and chemical stabilizers to thicken, then pasteurized at high heat. High quality almond milk, crafted at home, is made from one full cup of almonds and pure filtered water. Almond milk is high in plant-based iron and protein that are essential for the immune system.
> HAND-CRAFTED CABBAGE KRAUT: This highly respected, immune boosting food has been getting people through thick and thin since the beginning of time. Cabbage heads do quite well in the fridge for several weeks, and fermented kraut can last a good month when sealed in a glass jar in the fridge. Joseph eats a serving twice a day, at breakfast and lunch. Although impressive, I can’t look at kraut until lunch. Then I’m willing and ready…..
> UNPASTEURIZED MISO: 75% of the immune system is in the mucosal lining of the intestines. Unpasteurized Miso is a powerful living food that is buzzing with friendly bacterial activity that matches perfectly with our intestinal flora. It has been used in Japan for centuries as a medicinal immune booster. I eat a teaspoon of South River Millet Miso everyday like a medicine in these troubled times. Their are plenty of flavors of Miso, but I get on extreme mono taste kicks, so be sure to experiment. How long will miso last? I trained with a Japanese woman and she said in her household, cultures were passed down from mother to daughter when they married. So that is a longevity starting point…..
> HONEY: This ancient food and medicinal contains bee pollen and bee propolis, which is known to be immune boosting. I like a half teaspoon in my glass of fresh almond milk with a ¼ teaspoon of pure vanilla extract. Get ready for a little bit of heaven. When shopping, be sure to look for the ‘Raw’ label on the honey, so that you are certain it has not been exposed to pasteurization.
> SEA VEGGIES: Back in the early hippy days my only exposure to sea veggies was kelp powder. I couldn’t stand the smell and so had to pass on the benefits. Thankfully when I started learning about using Food As Medicine I was introduced to the giant world of sea veggies that many cultures have known about since the Ice Age. Sea veggies strengthen the immune system, central nervous system and the lymphatic system. How do you eat sea veggies? I love dulse or nori cut up for salad topping or sprinkled on rice or other grains.
> DRIED FRUITS: At the top of the list is dried Apricots, loaded with Vitamin A that encourages cell growth and immune function. The fresh fruit has a GI of 34, yet dried apricots have an even lower GI of 30. Fiber rich dried apricots are easy to store and satisfy your sweet tooth without wreaking havoc on your blood sugar levels. How can you use them? One way is to soak them over night, drain and add to the food processor to make a raw jam (this is Joseph’s morning fave). They can also be used as a spread or topping for oatmeal or chia seed pudding.
> SEEDS: Protein rich sunflower seeds contain selenium, which helps the body fight certain cancers while helping your immune system control cell damage. Inexpensive, sunflower seeds can store in the fridge for years. Why the fridge? To keep the rich healthy oils in the seeds from turning rancid. How can you eat them? You can buy them shelled and just sprinkle sea salt on them and eat them for snack or use them for a garnish. Studies have shown that chewing crunchy foods help with stress and who doesn’t need that right now. Our Spring Certified Coaching Program comes with 12 weekly food making demo videos. One of them shows you how to make an amazing Sunflower Pate that is so yummy that you will fall deeply in love.
> One of our favorite sources is web based Thrive Market for a large selection of health foods. They require a small yearly membership fee, but that allows you to buy foods below market price, and the foods are delivered free right to your door step. It’s like magic.
> I know I am always raving about the South River Miso Company, but I just love how much attention and passion they put into making their products.
> Called “A Health Nuts Dream Come True” Gold Mine Natural Food Company online offers hundreds of hard to find gluten free, organic, vegan products, including unpasteurized miso and unpasteurized soy sauce, heirloom grains and seeds.
> Dulse/Sea Veggies. We like the company Maine Coast Sea Vegetables.
A sustainable harvested seaweed from the cold waters of the Atlantic.
We cover all that, and so much more, in our upcoming ‘Spring Certified Holistic Health Coach/Cancer Coach Program’. Our three month training is 100% online, so you can spend your extensive indoor time studying how to use Food As Medicine with us. $300 registration fee saves your place. You can use our payment plan to pay the rest off while the training is in session. Check Out What We Teach Here.
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