Probiotics, the friendly bacteria that keep our intestinal health in balance, are not made in the body. We must extract them from external sources, our food and drink. The problem is that modern food is mostly pasteurized, killing these beneficial work horses in great numbers. Captain James Cook, the famous eighteenth century explorer, was so aware of the serious need for live probiotics foods that he packed sixty barrels of kraut for twenty seven months at sea for his crew.
Probiotics are important components of our immune system. Seventy five percent of our immune system sits in the intestines. Probiotics work by sitting at receptor sites, blocking unhealthy invaders, protecting us from illness. When our probiotic bacteria level is low, they are not available to sit at these sites. The result is an abundance of pathogens that create conditions for disease. Poor gut health leads to headaches, migraines, anemia, bone health, chronic fatigue, cancer… the list goes on. We cannot remain healthy day after day, year after year, without them.
Raw fermented foods are literally alive with flavor, nutrition and necessary probiotics. In the Raw Food Diet we know live fermented foods are the best way to keep these little sumo wrestlers up and going strong. Pasteurized yogurt will not do the trick. Probiotic supplements not stored in the fridge contain no life force to get the job done. I blogged earlier on making small batches of sauerkraut on your countertop. So easy.
Here’s a recipe for making super easy Rejuvelac, a fermented drink rich in healthy microorganisms and lactic acid. It’s an inexpensive drink that you can sip daily as a tonic.
Homemade Rejuvelac Recipe
- Using a quart Ball Jar, soak 3 tablespoons millet in fresh water for 8-10 hours
- Drain and rinse seeds with fresh water three times a day for 2 days (I like to keep mine by the sink or I may never think of them again)
- Rejuvelac is made using your sprouted grain and one quart of filtered water. Allow to sit on your countertop for 48 hours to mature. When ready, pour yourself 6 ounces and drink up. You may add a little fresh lemon for flavor and as a preservative to keep the Rejuvelac fresh longer. Store in fridge for up to three days.