Glyphosate is the world’s most widely produced herbicide, sprayed liberally on GMO crops….it is attributed to a population confronted with accelerated rates of chronic illnesses like cancer, as well as auto-immune diseases like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. One in five American’s have been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, according to the National Institute of Health, and that number is rising. I find that alarming. 75% of sufferers are women. I found that more then alarming. I also found that to be a bit fishy. So I went to work to try to understand why we ladies have a higher occurrence of debilitating auto-immune diseases than do men.
One of the top chemicals blamed on the rise of auto-immune diseases is the chemical glyphosate. It is used widely on over 500 food products. So one way it enters the body is through our diet. But men and women eat fairly the same foods, so this did not explain why our numbers were so, so high. With more research I thought I found a path that exposed more women than men to glyphosate.
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Glyphosate is also used on cotton plants, when the flower is open, so that the herbicide is absorbed by the cells of the plant. As we know many, many products are made of cotton. But what separates the boys from the girls? Feminine hygiene products. If you menstruate, for say, 30 years of your life, you are inserting Glyphosate directly into the vaginal cavity. Tampons and napkins are made out of cotton once sprayed with glyphosate. The moist vagina is very porous.
Sprayed in the farm field Glyphosate works by blocking the proteins and minerals essential for plant growth. This is how it kills weeds in the product called Round-up. Studies have shown it’s harmful for humans in a number of ways. The proteins in your body make a mistake and use glyphosate in place of the amino acid glycine, which carries it right into your muscle cells and organs. It is an endocrine disruptor, which is considered the most dangerous type of chemical for humans. The endocrine system is a no-nonsense series of glands that produce and secrete hormones the body uses for a wide range of functions. It’s delicate balance is tricky on a good day. Hormones help to control many functions such as growth and repair. Put a monthly dose of the weed killer glyphosate directly into your system and you can see how all kinds of things could go wrong.
With great relief, this modern problem is easy to fix. Break off your relationship to non-organic tampons and pads. BAM! One problem solved*. Then continue on your quest for health, and refuse to eat any of the 500 foods sprayed with glyphosate. This involves only taking organic foods into your precious temple. BAM! Two problems solved. Third, if you are worried about all the years you have been exposed to glyphosate monthly, consider a cleanse to rid the body of it’s toxic burden. We teach structured detoxification at Diet For Living School with very specific Superfoods that cleanse at the cellular level while healing and rebuilding the body. BAM! This is empowerment at work.
This asks that we consider a bigger vision of ourselves. This asks that we take time to invest a huge, immense curiosity into to how the body works… this vessel we can’t live without. And we say “I choose only what is best for me”…..and make it happen….
* To shop for Unbleached, Organic Tampons check your health food market, Target or Amazon.
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