I just graduated as a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. I’ve been teaching about the importance of a healthy colon in our Diet For Living Coaching Programs for years. But I wanted to go deeper. The training I took was not just merely study but hands on practice sessions on fellow students. A huge leap for me. But I really, really wanted to become Certified because I am so passionate about educating people about this not just neglected but misunderstood organ of the body.
I once thought I could get through my whole life without addressing my colon. That was until, at 53, I was diagnosed with cancer. After much soul searching I opted to forego a hysterectomy, chemo and radiation, choosing to first try Detoxification Therapy.
To reset the inner compass, cleanse the body of toxic build up and allow health and reversal of symptoms to occur, waste products must be cleared from the cells, blood and organs daily.
The First Step when you embark on this kind of healing journey is to begin:
> Consuming large quantities of fresh pressed juices made of carrots, beets, celery, green apples, lemons…to neutralize the blood stream allowing repair and healing to take place.
> Drinking chlorophyll rich wheatgrass juice to purify the blood and help remove toxins from the cells and colon.
> Detoxing of the body daily with a fiber rich organic plant-based diet of raw and living foods. Loading the body up with leafy green salads consisting of spinach, baby kale, romaine topped with red peppers, green onions, avocado….
> Adding mineral rich sea vegetables daily to the diet. This important food source literally binds to heavy metals and removes them from the body.
> Consuming unpasteurized fermented foods to grow a healthy colony of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
> Drinking copious amounts of water to hydrate and flush the colon, creating movement.
> Becoming passionate about eating only chemical free organic foods.
The Second Step is to develop a deep intimate relationship with your colon. As in get hands on involved…
I am from New England so this began as a stretch for me. If you are from other parts of the world, you may not know that New England is the part of the United States settled by the Puritans. Can you say “naturally up-tight”. You can bet we weren’t talking about constipation, enemas or colon hydrotherapy in that part of the country when I was growing up. Anything having to do with elimination, or non-elimination for that matter, was a taboo subject. “That’s the way we liked it, private and quiet.”
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But I wanted to get well with every fiber of my being, so I followed the directions of my pioneering mentor Dr Ann Wigmore. She was adamant about the power of colon cleansing to address constipation and toxemia, the root causes of diseases like arthritis, chronic migraines, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, candida and cancer. She teaches that unless the body’s elimination channels are open and clear at all times, the best nutrition on Earth will not make you well. Waste products must be removed from the system.
Fortunately, true healing happens over time. That then gave me room to get comfortable with this remote part of my body. When talking detox, people typically think about the liver. But if the ‘exit door’ is blocked, such as when you’re chronically constipated, there is nowhere for toxins to go except to re-circulate in the system, causing trouble to every organ center in the body.
With trepidation, I ordered my gallon enema bucket from Amazon and learned to give myself water enemas and wheatgrass juice enemas. I made my twice weekly appointments with an understanding and gentle professional colon hydrotherapist. I have a bit of a rebel streak about me but I also know when it’s time to surrender for my greater good.
I followed the regimen Dr Ann recommended to the letter. Day in and day out. Dr Ann’s promise is that her discoveries can heal the most chronic of diseases for anyone dedicated enough to try. And of course I found that to be true. I have been cancer-free for 14 years and counting. Humbly, I sing “Hallelujah”!
Become A ‘Certified Holistic Health Coach/Cancer Coach’
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“Best Program Ever!
Very professional, very organized and stress free!
LOVED every minute! Thank You!”
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