While catering for Woody Harrelson, I created the most wonderful Raw Vegan Cream Cheese that was a super yummy hit…..and now one of my favorite foods. It’s easy to make and so healthy.
Belonging to the ginger family, turmeric, a bright yellow-orange rainbow spice, has been a powerful medicinal in Chinese and Indian systems of medicine for thousands of years. As a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent, mild tasting turmeric may have health benefits for nearly every system in the body.
A number of laboratory studies on cancer cells have shown that turmeric does have anticancer effects. It seems to be able to kill cancer cells and prevent more from growing. It also inhibits the spread of cancer cells and induces apoptosis (suicide of mutated cancerous cells). Combined with anti-oxidant rich organic carrots it packs a powerful anti-cancer punch. It has its best effects on breast, bowel, stomach and skin cancers. New turmeric studies are paving the way for a revolution in the way we understand cancer and other diseases that have a relationship to inflammation.
Want to dig deeper? Check out my e-book
Diet For Living Cancer-free/what worked for me
on Amazon here.
For best results, choose the highest quality organic turmeric at your health food market. Look for the USDA Organic Label with no additives. The motive is to get the best out of this amazing spice.
No point settling for second best here even though you may have to shell out a few more $. After all, “Health is Wealth”.
> one cup Raw Organic cashews
> 1/2 cup fresh carrot juice
> 2 tablespoons South River Garlic Red Pepper Miso*
> 1 teaspoon turmeric
> 1 teaspoon extra-virgin coconut oil
> 2 cloves fresh garlic pressed
> optional: one tablespoon chopped parsley stirred in by hand after blending
How To Make:
> Soak one cup of Raw cashews overnight in a glass jar
> The day of preparation, make ½ cup of fresh carrot juice.
Drain the cashews and measure out one cup. Put them in the VitaMix blender with ½ the carrot juice, coconut oil, miso, garlic and salt. Start the blender on low, turn up speed as you go. Using the blender tamper, work the nuts and liquid until the mixture is smooth and creamy. If needed, add more carrot juice till you are pleased with the consistency. Store in a glass jar in the fridge. Lasts up to two weeks. Use as a spread on Raw veggie crackers or as a dip. Enjoy with family and friends!
*Miso is a salty, high protein, fermented paste, great for building the intestinal flora. You can find South River brand unpasteurized miso at your health food store or on the web. It is a great new experience in healthy eating.
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