Every year tiny little invaders, flu germs and viruses, adapt new strategies on how to sneak past our defenses and settle in like unwanted visitors. This has been going on for 1000’s of years. This year we are faced with our biggest challenge yet: COVID-19. This virus is entirely new to our immune system.
The immune function response your body is capable of is called immunomodulation. It’s a big word for a big job.
We have a wonderful immune system that goes to great lengths to make sure we are well prepared to face all incoming attacks….as it patrols, alerts, and eliminates. But it doesn’t work alone. It works best communicating with the aid of high quality foods.
In the western world we have been conditioned to believe our immune system is isolated magic that works on our behalf no matter how hard we kick it around. But nothing could be further from the truth. Our consumption of pasteurized, highly processed man made foods has left too many of us immune deficient. Also called immune compromised.
But it is not too late to make up the deficiency by eating a class of potent, super concentrated, nutrient dense plant-based foods called SuperFoods. They have tremendous healing potential while replenishing vitamin and mineral reserves and boosting the immune system.
Although the Divine has spread Superfoods across the globe, one of our favorites here at Diet For Living School is raw unprocessed cacao, also know as raw chocolate. Grown in the warm humid jungles of South America for thousands of years, it is considered a powerful stamina and longevity food.
Research has found that raw cacao supports the thymus, also as known as the “white blood cell university”, by increasing your body’s natural maturation of healthy T cells.
In the Food As Medicine Healing System raw cacao is rich in plant compounds that also influence the multiplication of friendly gut bacteria that are your body’s great defenders against viruses.
The Aztec, who considered raw cacao “the Food of the Gods”, drank it unprocessed in it’s bitter state as a medicinal for vigor and endurance. I prefer this power packed whole food in my smoothies.
Here is one of my favorite recipes:
> 1 cup vegan nut milk
> 1 small frozen banana
> 1 tablespoon raw cacao powder
> 1 tablespoon raw almond butter
> A dash of pure vanilla extract
Blend in VitaMix until smooth and creamy. Drink often!
Where can you get raw cacao? With the social isolation, we have been shopping on-line. We like Thrive Market. It’s like a natural foods Costco. For a small yearly fee they deliver your foods right to your doorstep.
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