Here at Diet For Living School, we’ve taken a stand for immune health. We feel right now it’s more important than ever. I encourage everyone to make their immune systems less hospitable to infection.
There is no better way to wake up to the miraculous way the natural world works than indulging in live unpasteurized fermented foods. Microbial cultures are essential to life’s processes, such as digestion and immunity. We humans are in a dependent relationship with these single-cell life-forms. Microflora, as they are often called, help digest food into nutrients our bodies can absorb, thus protecting us from potentially dangerous organisms by boosting the immune system. As the micro-organisms in fermented foods go through their life cycle, gurgling and bubbling in jars, crocks, and wooden barrels, teeming new life is created, like a spectrum of B vitamins. Wow, right!!!
Probiotics, the friendly bacteria that keep our intestinal health in balance, are not made in the body. We must extract them from external sources. From our food and drink.
That is why presently there is soooo much excitement about live fermented foods being used as Food as Medicine. Almost at the risk of extinction, this ancient way of making our foods more digestible and nutrient dense is taking America by storm.
Why is the revival of live fermented foods and beverages such a hot topic? In the past many of us have relied on probiotic supplements. But too often the probiotics made by pharmaceutical companies do not match receptors sites in our human intestines. These receptor sites do not recognize man-made probiotics.
75% of our immune system sits in the mucosal lining of our intestines. Probiotics work by sitting at receptor sites, blocking unhealthy invaders such as viruses, protecting us from illness. The probiotics best suited for this task are the ones present in the air we breath. These microscopic yeasts surf through the air on dust particles. When the conditions are right, such as when you set out Kraut for example, these little guys latch onto your creation and the journey of fermentation begins.
When we create our own fermented foods we embrace that memory we have known for thousands of years, but forgot. The revival of fermented foods is our reconnection with this precious support system.
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