New Years 2020 I was in bed with what I thought was the flu.
Chills yet low fever, sweating, severely painful muscles and labored breathing so loud it would wake me up. Eating felt impossible. For 6 days I only drank water. Tons of water. It was all I wanted as I drenched my bed clothes and sheets. I would wake up, only to drink more water. Joseph would help me change into dry clothes before I fell back into a dead sleep. Throughout it all I had a mucus ball in my trachea, an obstruction just before entering the lungs that I could never seem to cough up. I couched a lot…when I was awake. The whole experience was extreme. There was no possible test in January. I will never truly know if I had COVID-19, but I had all signs and symptoms. On Day 7, I could consider eating some unpasteurized miso soup in small, small amounts. I lost 15 pounds.
The eighth day an immense craving for shiitake mushrooms set in. Now here’s the crazy part. I don’t eat shiitake mushrooms, or any other mushrooms for that matter. But here I was craving them like a pregnant teenager. Joseph generously ran around town hunting down the freshest ones. Bless his heart, he was just glad I was coming around. For the next couple of weeks I slept about 22 hours a day, woke up, ate a pile of shiitakes marinated in Nama Shoyu and fresh lemon washed down with soup made from South River unpasteurized chickpea miso. Then crashed back to sleep. There were times I worried I would not get well. But slowly I did, and my craving for shiitake mushrooms calmed to a normal consumption.
I am science oriented. When I gained strength I was able to research Shiitake Mushrooms. What I found was that scientists are discovering that they can harness the immune-priming properties of medicinal mushrooms to treat lower respiratory infections such as pneumonias. Wow!
Some of the lungs major functions, along with providing us with the life giving air we breath, include maintaining a healthy immune defense against pathogens…as well as helping circulate fluids throughout the body.
The theory of the lungs being connected with the large intestine has been a major topic in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. Anatomically speaking…the lungs are the highest cleansing organ in the body. Emotionally and physically, the lungs and its organ partner the large intestine, are responsible for helping you “Let Go” of what-ever you don’t need…..from life experiences to emotions to actual metabolic by-products. As in ‘consider giving yourself breathing room’…
Each organ takes its turn cleansing while you sleep. Every night your lungs cleanse between 3-5 AM. In many cultures this is when monks and nuns get up to meditate and connect with God, because it is thought this is when the veil between Heaven and Earth is thin. This is the time to simply breath in and breath out….breath in breath out….. to connect using the breath……taking in, while letting go……
Among the vast trove of remedies in the pharmacopoeia of Traditional Chinese Medicine, some of the most revered medicinals are not plants, but fungi.
Reishi, maitake and shiitake are quickly becoming all the rage as the latest Superfood trends. In Chinese Medicine the use of medicinal mushrooms dates back to some of the first medical texts on record. Modern science is just beginning to uncover the specific bio-mechanisms behind the potential of these power fungi. We will have to stay open and available to the discoveries.
For myself, I am attributing my shiitake craving to a deep inner knowing that works with the wisdom of Divine Intelligence that knew what to do when I needed it most.
Like all plant based foods, they lose their power when exposed to heat, so I just marinate them.
> 2 good size fresh shiitake mushrooms with stems removed
> Slice the caps length wise and add to glass bowl
> Sprinkle a touch of organic olive oil, fresh lemon, Nama Shoyu unpasteurized soy sauce.
> Gently stir till the mushrooms are well covered.
> Let sit on the countertop for 15-20 minutes.
Eat alone, on top of salad or other favorite food. ENJOY!
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