I gotta admit….I’m on a crusade to invite everyone to examine the over the counter supplements they are consuming. Historically dietary supplements generally sell well, even during times of recession. What we’re seeing in 2020 with COVID-19 is unprecedented growth of dietary supplements as people ‘crisis shop’ for dietary solutions. Supplements advertised as targeting immune health and wellness. By purchasing supplements, consumers take comfort in feeling like they are supporting their health and the health of their families in a time of uncertainty. It feels like we have a small measure of control. In our haste we give up our power and common sense to BOTTLES of pills and ‘green powders’ made by the same companies that make our processed foods. We are fueling the growth of a $28 billion nutritional supplement market. It is estimated that at least 90% of all vitamin supplements contain ingredients that are nothing more than manufactured fillers. No surprise…..from these manufactured product makers.
Just as processed foods are loaded with additives, so are over the counter vitamin supplements. . Some of the most common are magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, microcystalline cellulose, stearic acid, talc, simethicone and propylene glycol. You will find some of these listed as ‘other ingredients’ at the bottom of the ‘nutritional panel’ on the back of the supplement bottle. Sometimes they are only listed as ‘inactive ingredients’. Over the counter supplements lead us to believe if we bombard the body with little pills and powders we will win the battle we are struggling with. Aside from the supplements being toxic, the chemical fillers themselves are acidic and cause chronic inflammation.
Now, is one supplement company better then another? Well, I just want to say three things:
ONE: if it is ‘white and bright’, be very suspicious. There is very little in Nature that is pure white.
TWO: If it is bottled, boxed or powdered it has to have been exposed to high heat to preserve shelf life. High heat destroys 50% of the protein, 80% of the vitamins and minerals, 100% of the enzymes and 100% of the probiotics. With no exceptions.
THREE: Vitamin and mineral supplements made in China are a bigger problem than you may realize. 90% of vitamin C is made in China. Only 2% of all imported supplements are inspected. This is not to say the U.S. is your ‘nutritional best friend’. Authorities have conducted tests on top selling brands of herbal supplements and found four out of five did not contain any of the herbs on their label.
This is an insult to the integrity of our precious bodies.
If you are struggling to maintain your health and stay well, you want to absolutely know for sure that what you put in your mouth is the real deal. Something you can completely trust. Healing and maintaining true health for the body is a dedication to understanding how it works and what it truly needs. When I was attempting to heal my body naturally from cancer it required a complete learning curve from what I had been led to believe was healthy living. The knowledge I acquired is what we teach here at Diet For Living School for everyone so that you can then go out and teach it to others.
Check Out Our Exciting Program Here:
As a Living Foods advocate and educator, I believe the best vitamins and minerals come only from organic live plant based foods and Superfoods. When the immune system is compromised and the body strained from fighting off disease, SuperFoods are our greatest ally.
Superfoods are a class of potent, super-concentrated, nutrient dense foods which offer tremendous dietary healing potential while replenishing vitamin and mineral reserves in the body. Incredibly nutritious, these powerful live-plant foods offer clean sources of protein, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and the good fats and oils. Essential fatty acids, amino acids and other bio-available nutrients help healing take place. They are the Divine’s gift to us so that we can maintain ultimate health.
In our 100% OnLine Dual Certification ‘Holistic Health Coach/Cancer Coach Program’ we teach you how to make Superfoods into Whole Food Supplements and Elixirs. Learn this new way of getting the essential nutrients the body needs in pure form.
It’s a New Day in the World of Nutrition when you Train with Us.
If you are choosing to make your immune system a priority, if you believe now is the time to finally reclaim your health, Our Fall 2020 Training Is For You!
If you would like to then take that knowledge and share it with your family, friends and community, Our 100% Online ‘Certified Holistic Health Coach/Cancer Coach Program’ Is For You.
If you are looking for an education that:
> Impacts every area of your life
> Guarantees your personal growth
> Connects you to an incredible community that inspires you
> Pays well, feels fulfilling and makes a meaningful difference….
Then Our Dual Certification Training Is For You!
At Diet For Living School we teach that everyone has the power and ability to influence their own health and the health of others more than they can imagine. This great power is at the end of our forks.
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‘Certified Holistic Health Coach/Cancer Coach Program’
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