October is National Cancer awareness month. The advertisements say “You have the power to make an IMPACT.” I believe in power and impact toward making change. Education is key. So in tribute to this important month, I would like to talk about Free Radicals and Antioxidants because they play such a major roll in the prevention of cancer.
If you reach back, maybe to high school chemistry, you may remember that electrons orbit atoms at the speed of light in pairs like Mallard Ducks. When a chemical reaction breaks the bond that holds the paired electrons together one of the electrons becomes a free radical. Single, alone, berserk beyond reason. Like a lost lover on a binge, it looks for a mate.
In desperation, the unstable free radical often pulls an electron off a neighboring molecule, causing that electron to also become a free radical. The new free radical then pulls an electron off the next molecule and a chemical chain reaction of radical production occurs.
Crazed chain reaction free radical mobs can destroy cells at lightning speed, crosslinking DNA, creating inflammation and tissue damage at the cellular level, i.e. cancer.
There is a certain amount of free radical activity that is a natural process in the body. It is part of the death and rebirth that exists in us at all times. Yet the free radical explosion is the world out of order. Motivators are mostly man made: pollutants in the air, chemicals, stabilizers, herbicides, pesticides, growth hormones, additives, just to name a few. Also heavy acid forming foods, like breads, pastries and meats.
Antioxidants, also know as phytochemicals, are molecules that defend the body from cellular damage by ending the free radical chain reaction. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons, ending the electron “stealing” reaction. It’s natures gift to us. I was so relieved when I learned this that I almost rolled on the floor with delight. Because, its easy to find antioxidants. They exist in the bright colors of fruits and vegetables. Fresh berries, apples and carrots are a massive power house of antioxidants. Fresh juicing is a great way to pump antioxidants in the body to cleanse and repair.
The cooking process kills 85% of the antioxidants in our foods. The loss is too great to fool with in our present modern world. Only antioxidant rich cleansing foods, fresh in there natural state, can combat free radicals.
Our Pre Holiday Perfect Raw Cleanse Workshop will be Saturday, November. 10, 2012. We teach you how to juice, blend and prepare the organic, antioxidant, alkaline foods that prevent free radical damage and cleanse repair and restore the body.
We would love if you would join us.
Our Easiest Antioxidant Drink On Earth Recipe
- One Omega Juicer
- 8 organic carrots
- ½ organic lemon
Scrub carrots. Feed through juicer. Collect perfect water from the vegetable. Slug down and fortify against the world.