For 15 years Diet For Living School has been home base for the world’s best Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach Program. Diet For Living School is Board Certified by the American Association Of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).
Our weekly Diet For Living Newsletter is a wellness trailblazer with a loyal readership of over 3000 subscribers, a source of exceptional information on the Wellness Revolution.
To learn more about about who we are, read Paula’s life changing ebook Diet For Living Cancer Free: What Worked For Me. It will open your eyes to the powers of healing the body with Food As Medicine and Lifestyle Change!
Using Food As Medicine (FAM) requires a learning curve, but it makes so much sense. Harnessing the power and potential of Food As Medicine a new way of healing starts by changing your approach to how you view your ‘connectiveness’ to Earth, the Mothership. The Divine Creator has graced us with this amazing planet to live on. Earth has everything we need…it’s the only planet in the universe that we know of that can support our complicated requirements.
For Example:
> It has the perfect amount of gravity to ‘ground’ us. Earth spins at 1000 miles per hour, but the genius of it’s gravity keeps us from sailing off into space.
> It’s a very green planet. As the plants exhale oxygen we humans breathe it in. As we exhale carbon dioxide, the plants breath that in. This symbiotic cycle is special only to planet Earth. Take treeless Mars, for example. It’s air is made up of mainly carbon dioxide. That won’t work for us. This is the only planet we know of that provides air we can breath, exhale and breath again. No matter how much attention poor disconnected Jeff Bezos puts into colonizing the moon, it’s not a natural fit for us. It’s hostile and barren. Best for watching with wonder from miles away.
> There are no lactobacilli in space….none. The air on our planet is abundant with microscopic lactobacillus yeast. These microscopic yeasts surf through the air on dust particles. When the conditions are right, such as when we make kraut, these little guys latch onto our creation and the journey of fermentation begins, creating probiotic foods. Probiotics work by sitting at receptor sites in the intestines, blocking unhealthy invaders, protecting us from illness.
> Earth provides us with thousands of green plants. Green plants contain chlorophyll that is 98% the same molecular structure as human blood. This means the body can quickly recognize it and put it to work nourishing and cleansing the body from tip to toe. So important are live leafy greens to our overall health that NASA continues to research growing salad greens in space. Astronauts have turned ‘space farmers’ because they know if they are not successful, throwing all the money in the world at space travel will not work in the long run. Because we Earth beings need our veggies.
> Living foods are a medium of communication, sending specific messages throughout the body, and is a relatively new fascinating scientific field of study. Only planet Earth grows living foods that communicate with every system in our body at the macro and micro level.
> Of all the planets orbiting the Sun, Earth is clearly the aqua planet, thankfully a watery place, because EVERYTHING, including us, needs hydrating or we become parched and bodily systems start to shut down over time…..
As we begin to connect the dots and better understand how reliant we are on the order of our universe we better understand why we cannot thrive on foods that are laboratory made, as in the case of the thousands of chemically processed, GMO foods sold today.
No one can thrive on foods filled with chemicals and processed sugars for a lifetime (including our pets) and certainly not our children. The average American consumes 150 pounds of chemicals a year; that’s a whole other person dumped into our bodies. A cocktail combination of emulsifiers, preservatives, dyes, artificial colors, drying agents, artificial sweeteners, bleaches, stabilizers, antibiotics, antifoaming and anti-caking agents, steroids….the list goes on…..and on…. I harp on this because modern marketing knows we are beginning to make sense between the foods we eat and our health. Now they are positioning us for a whole barrage of ‘vegan meats’. These food products, filled with artificial tastes made in the laboratory, imitate the taste and texture of cow, pork, bacon, chicken and fish. It will be up to us to stay alert to their money making tricks.
Because here’s the thing…when we circle back around to deep respect for our planet Earth, our home, and all the support it offers….when we return to foods organic, pure and close to Nature…..our bodies are very forgiving. How do I know? Because I was way off track when I was diagnosed with cancer. When I embraced foods more aligned with what my body is designed to work with I was able to heal without the use of chemo, surgery or radiation.
The healing system I practice is known as Food As Medicine. I used the discoveries of Dr Ann Wigmore. She built on the works of Dr Maximilian Beecher Bennett, a Swiss physician and pioneer. He created a clinic in Switzerland using detoxification with fresh pressed juices and living foods for people whose doctors had given up on them. He was successful in healing his patients from many of the chronic diseases that the contemporary doctors were unsuccessful with.
From Beecher Bennett’s discoveries, Dr Ann began by starting an urban farm with just 7 people who were declared terminal by their doctors. After a period of time, consuming twice daily wheat-grass juices and eating a raw food diet, every one of them regained their health. She was then gifted a five story mansion in downtown Boston to continue her work. People from all over the world traveled there to learn a Food as Medicine a new way of healing.
Today there is a broad movement happening in nutritional science. As research equipment and the power of microscopes have improved, nutritional scientists are validating the therapeutic power of plant-based foods as healing vehicles. Understanding how plant-based foods work in tandem with the body is truly fascinating.
Many of the students that take our Diet For Living School ‘Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach’ training look forward to improving their own health while studying to become future educators. This is a great way to approach their training with us. The best place to learn is while you create your own healing journey. Because we are more alike than different, your discoveries will deepen your understanding of the wellness process and help you guide others. The opportunity to work as a group provides us with motivation and the support needed to stay on track as well as an environment in which to share ideas, discoveries and triumphs. A safe place to stretch and grow.
“Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.”
Robin Wall Kimmer, “The Teaching Of Plants”