If you follow me, then you know that, when I was diagnosed with uterine cancer, it was Dr Ann Wigmore that I was first introduced to to address my failing health. It was her teachings that helped me heal and change my life. I don’t think anyone else could have spoken to me with language that hit my home-spot the way that she did. I’m not the only one. At a time when no one questioned what we ate or questioned the word of their doctor, she had the courage to take on the Standard American Diet. She shared her findings with thousands of people worldwide, including many that were pronounced ‘medically incurable’.
She taught that Americans eat too many processed foods and are exposed to too many chemicals, as well as too much white sugar, table salt, and high-protein and high-fat foods. This way of eating is too rich for our bodies. Our heavily processed foods also lack sufficient bulk to promote healthy bowl habits.
Dr Ann Recommended A Detox Cleansing Diet Of:
> Power Packed Baby Greens
> Mineral Abundant Sea Veggies
> Protein Dense Nuts And Seeds
> Chlorophyll rich wheatgrass juice
> Probiotic Packed Fermented Foods
> Fresh Pressed Juices
She recommended consuming live foods prepared in nutrient dense combinations so that the body can utilize all the nutrients and macronutrients and not only cleanse the body but restore and rebuild at the same time; a three-prong approach. Dr Ann opened her healing center in downtown Boston just when cancer, heart disease and a host of autoimmune diseases began to climb in the population.
If you visit any detox center throughout the United States and Germany addressing chronic disease, you will find them teaching the foundations of Dr Ann’s principles, because they have stood the test of time.
In this newsletter I will be talking about Leaky Gut, a condition that began to evolve at the same time that doctor Ann began her education center. According to pioneering researcher and endocrinologist Dr Zack Bush, America’s health took a 180 degree turn at this time period when Roundup, a glyphosate based herbicide, was introduced into the food system. Let me explain….
Monsanto Chemical Works of St. Louis, Missouri, was founded by John Queeny and named after his wife, Olga Monsanto.
Monsanto Chemical Works is known for developing chemical warfare materials throughout the 1950’s and 60’s. It created the defoliant Agent Orange for the Vietnam war.
After the war, when there was little use for Agent Orange, the company was losing market shares. While scrambling around for a new product a company scientist came up with one using it for cleaning sewer lines. Turns out it did a great job breaking down mineral deposits. But when it emptied out into ponds and waterways, it killed all life in the pond and on the river banks.
A company not adversed to killing life, this gave them the idea to sell it as a herbicide, and Roundup (containing the carcinogenic compound Glyphosate) was born.
It was first sold to homeowners with genius advertisements during the Superbowl, showing a dad with a power pack on his back and a pistol grip killing 5 dandelions in the crack of the driveway, then heading back into the house and his easy chair for a beer and the game. Overnight, every garage in suburban America had a gallon container of Roundup.
The big problem, though, was that it was water soluble. It washed off the driveway and made it’s way into our water supplies. Monsanto rushed to create the tagline: “Safer Than Drinking Water”. Even today, the FDA says that Roundup is of no concern to human health. But, of course, we know that’s not true. It is a big concern to any of us that are seeking the truth as to where all this disease in our population is coming from.
By 1992, farmers were encouraged to spray concentrated Roundup on wheat crops to kill weeds before harvest. America’s health responded. Celiac disease numbers went up as did other autoimmune diseases, autism and some cancers.
Dr Bush says, “ In 1960, chronic disease was in 4% of the population. By 2015, the last study done, 46% of our children have a chronic disease”. He believes it’s all connected…..This summer 130 pounds of glyphosate herbicide will be sprayed per square mile by farmers across America, with the highest rate being in Texas, with more then 1,100 pounds per square mile.
Glyphosate in the soil acts as an anti-biotic (defined: anti-biotic: Oxford Language Dictionary of Medicine: a medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms; anti-life). Application of the herbicide kills the microbial and fungal base in the soil. When we disrupt the complex relationship of soil systems year after year, soil then loses its life-force. Life-less soil produces life-less foods, and you begin to have health collapse.
When humans ingest glyphosate day in and day out, year after year, it injures the tight junctions of the human mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract, also known as the gut. The gut is the organ system that begins at the stomach and ends at the anal passage.
When the gut lining is damaged it cannot optimally function as a barrier any longer. This injury to the tight junctions of the gut lining can create leaky gut. Leaky gut is another name for “increased intestinal permeability”. This is a recognized condition in which the gaps between the cells of your gut lining get bigger, allowing harmful bacteria, toxins, gluten and undigested food particles to “leak” into the blood stream. You can imagine this causes all kinds of havoc as gut microbes interact with almost all the body’s cells.
Some Of The Known Conditions From Full Blown Leaky Gut Are:
> Inflammatory bowel disease
> Crohn’s disease
> Ulcerative colitis
> Celiac Disease
Symptoms That Can Be Linked To Leaky Gut:
> Gas and bloating
> Cramps
> Mystery aches and pains
> Immune system imbalances
> Nutritional deficiencies
> Fibromyalgia
> Chronic fatigue
> Candida overgrowth
> Lupus
> Psoriasis
> Arthritis
> Rheumatoid arthritis
It is believed that 80% of us may have leaky gut but may not know it. We just have the symptoms.
To reduce intestinal permeability begin by avoiding foods that are exposed to glyphosate.
Some Examples Are:
> Products made with modern wheat
> Canola oil
> Non-organic fruits
> Non-organic nuts
> Companies we may assume are healthy yet swimming in glyphosate like Nature’s Valley products.
> Non organic women’s menstrual products that are grown in cotton exposed to glyphosate. The body absorbs this dangerous chemical through the thin vaginal wall.
Great Hope
So, if you have any concerns about leaky gut, where do you start? If you have coaching clients with leaky gut, what should you advise?
Supporting the body with safe natural detoxifiers offers the best defense against glyphosate exposure along with additional protective benefits for long-term health and wellness.
Two Medicinals To Be Added To Any Detox Cleanse Are:
> Unpasteurized Miso: Glyphosate causes a devastating impact on the internal ecosystem of the human body. It kills off beneficial bacteria while giving dangerous pathogens a competitive edge. To restore beneficial gut bacteria killed off by glyphosate our favorite Food As Medicine is unpasteurized miso made into a gut building soup and drank daily. Recipe can be found in my ebook: ‘Diet For Living Cancer-Free/What Worked For Me’ HERE
> Sea Vegetables: Which includes wakame, kombu, and dulse, contains sodium alginate, a natural detoxifier that binds to heavy metals and safely escorts them out of the body. Sea Veggies are called ‘chelates’ (from the Greek word chele, meaning claw) because they have the ability to chemically hook on to toxic chemicals in the body that can then be eliminated through the kidneys, bowel and skin at a safe pace.
There is no glyphosate in organic foods. None. It’s not allowed. Support organic farmers. It’s not easy to buck Big Ag, but there are plenty of farmers who believe it is worth the effort and they need our support. Fill your basket with only organic fruits and veggies. Read labels carefully. Become educated. Join us January 29, 2025 for our Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach/Cancer Coach Training HERE. Learn how to improve your own health and that of your family and community….
Much Love And Support As We Grow And Evolve
Paula Diana, Founder Of Diet For Living School
#leakygut #glyphosate #Roundup